It’s been emotional
There are 52 weeks in a year. Every year. Anyone who has weekly events such as church programmes or television shows would, sooner or later, find themselves becoming repetitive. In some ways, repetition is good, as it helps to fine-tune the product.
Yet, at other times, one realises that they are saying or doing the same thing on a far-too-frequent basis. In the case of a writer, there are only so many subjects that can be written weekly without becoming stuck in a loop.
Sometimes a break is needed.
A vital part of the dynamic of constituency representation is getting to know the people that live in your respective areas. More importantly, them getting to know you. Bermudians are, by nature, extremely friendly and accommodating.
When people invite you into their homes, share family stories and freely give tongue lashings, it is a signal that they accept you as part of their extended family. You know, when they quietly tell you that they now see you as a niece or nephew, so they tell you things only because they trust you. The very same ones who call you just to talk or who send you random WhatsApp forwards.
Those are the relationships that go well past anything political. They are now extremely close personal relationships.
Over the course of the past few months, a number of these pillars of the community have made their earthly exits. Devonshire has lost quite a lot of our elders since the start of the year. Almost weekly, the bells are tolling at Christ Church.
Without a doubt, this has caused an emotional vacuum for friends, family and adopted family. Everyone handles their grief in different ways.
Some cry, some go into their own comfort zones. Others, well they just can't seem to do their regular daily and weekly routines. Essentially, everyone finds their own coping mechanisms.
Even “weekly” columnists do break down and cry at times.
• Christopher Famous is the government MP for Devonshire East (Constituency 11). You can reach him on WhatsApp at 599-0901 or e-mail at