Seniors to benefit from public-private partnership
As the Member of Parliament for Pembroke West, it pleases me greatly that the Government has entered into a public-private partnership with Age Concern Bermuda for the redevelopment of the Admiralty House Ballroom for the primary benefit of seniors.
Admiralty Park is the centre of the constituency, families and schools in the area have made use of it in many aspects over the years. In more recent times, the ballroom itself has had a myriad of uses — from parties to meetings to family functions.
I am encouraged that our government acknowledges the benefit in this partnership. The facility will be primarily for seniors, but will also benefit the wider community. It is well known that the present structure has fallen into disrepair and a renovated facility will obviously be safer and aesthetically pleasing. This project will provide employment in the renovation/construction phase, and when completed will be a facility for our seniors and the community.
I support Age Concern’s call for the public to participate in the Community Engagement phase. The feedback will be valuable in deciding what this redevelopment should look like. Members of the community can participate through an online survey on Age Concern Bermuda’s website, as well as through town hall meetings on November 9 (virtual) and November 14.
The Progressive Labour Party has always taken pride in its support for seniors. They deserve facilities of high standard that allow them to socialise and to participate in workshops with other seniors in their golden years. The redevelopment of the Admiralty House Ballroom will give our seniors a facility to do this and more.
As the area MP, I look forward to participating in the process and seeing this seniors project to fruition.
• Jaché Adams is a government backbencher and the Member of Parliament for Pembroke West (Constituency 19)