Community is power
Labour Day serves as an acknowledgement and celebration of the tireless efforts made to protect workers' rights over the years. Those who fought for these rights laid the foundation for the many benefits that are enjoyed by all workers today. Holiday leave, sick leave, maternity leave, bereavement leave and overtime pay were hard-won and would not exist without the blood, sweat and tears of those who championed workers’ causes.
Trade unionists, in particular, have been instrumental in advancing legislation such as the amendments to the Employment Act 2000, which now includes protections against bullying and sexual harassment. Their efforts have improved working conditions and secured important rights that protect all workers — union members or not. This reality is often overlooked; these benefits are enjoyed by everyone and should be celebrated by all workers.
The Bermuda Trade Union Congress selected “Community is Power” as the theme for Labour Day celebrations this year.
The theme is fitting, as it reflects the reciprocal relationship between trade unionism and the broader community. Trade unions have long been a driving force for positive change in society, and the strength of the community can in turn reinforce the power of unions.
The challenges unions face undoubtedly affect the entire community. How we respond to these challenges will shape our collective future. Issues such as pensions, healthcare, education, tax reform and the rising cost of living are high on the agenda for unions. These issues are not only union matters but community-wide concerns that affect everyone.
To address these matters of critical importance, the Bermuda Public Services Union continues its advocacy for social dialogue to ensure that the voices of workers and the community are heard and ultimately acted upon.
Labour Day is more than just a union event — it is a community event and is an occasion to be embraced and celebrated by everyone. This collective celebration underscores the truth that “Community is Power”.
When we unite, we strengthen the fight for fairness, equity and a better future for all.
“Onward and Upward Together”
• Kevin Grant is the general secretary of the Bermuda Public Services Union