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Closing schools harms our community

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Long-term cost: the closure of schools like TN Tatem Middle School disrupts the education of Bermudian children, says Omar Dill (File photograph)
Omar Dill is a regional organiser for the Free Democratic Movement

The Free Democratic Movement (FDM) has been inaccurately described as aligned with far-right politics and various other ideologies that do not reflect our stance. We reject being confined to the traditional left-right spectrum of mainstream US and European politics, as well as the divisive racial and identity politics common in Bermuda.

Our policies are designed to appeal to all socioeconomic classes, focusing instead on practical solutions tailored to Bermuda's unique circumstances and the diverse needs of our community.

Our economic policies aim to promote entrepreneurship by reducing unnecessary regulations and taxes. This is unlike the far-right policies of successive administrations who continuously favour big business at the expense of the broader community.

For example, they redirected funds from essential services like education to support projects like the America’s Cup, and large corporations received government guarantees while local workers faced uncertainty about severance pay.

It is painful to see a Bermuda where leaders boast of improving the economy, yet the people continue to languish. The FDM advocates for an economy that benefits all Bermudians, giving them the dignity to provide for themselves and reducing reliance on government support.

Our approach does not involve slashing government jobs or cutting essential services. Instead, we are focused on streamlining operations to deliver maximum social services with limited resources, ensuring that public-sector employees can continue providing valuable services to the community. Any reduction in government jobs would be voluntary, driven by a thriving private sector that attracts our best and brightest to higher-paying opportunities.

Our social policies, which include elements traditionally seen as left-wing, emphasise community investment. Closing TN Tatem and Heron Bay schools has disrupted learning and harmed our community. While the intention behind these closures may have been to reduce costs, the savings are negligible when compared to the waste and inefficiencies in other areas of government spending. The long-term costs of disrupting our children’s education and community stability far outweigh any short-term financial benefits.

I have seen first-hand the disruptive effects that the wholesale changes to the school system 27 years ago had on my generation, and it seems history is repeating itself. Much of the wanton lawlessness and violent crime we see today are manifestations of a government that continues to invest in failed projects rather than in the wellbeing of our communities.

The FDM strongly opposes closing schools because we understand that such actions further destabilise our communities and undermine our children's futures. The evidence of this mismanagement is reflected in the real hardships and deteriorating conditions that so many of our people face every day. Our commitment is to empower communities, parents, and students with choices, reinforcing our belief that education is a cornerstone for Bermuda’s development.

Our policies can be described as fiscally conservative and socially moderate, balancing responsible financial management with social welfare. The current administration’s deficit spending is unsustainable, with about $890 million spent on interest payments in the last seven years. This has led to and allowed for the neglect of various infrastructure items such as bridges, buses, and the Tynes Bay Incinerator.

The FDM is committed to achieving a budget surplus and maintaining it through careful spending, ensuring that essential services and infrastructure projects are not compromised.

Flogging a dead horse and throwing good money after bad has led to a culture where spending taxpayer money frivolously and touting superficial accomplishments has become the norm. That money would have been better off in the pockets of everyday Bermudians.

The challenges we face today require innovative and adaptable strategies that do not fit neatly into traditional political categories. The FDM's vision transcends these outdated classifications, focusing instead on people-centred solutions.

We are committed to unleashing Bermuda’s potential to achieve a new level of prosperity – one that is merit-based and fosters a strong community. Let’s move past traditional boundaries and work together towards a future that benefits all Bermudians.

• Omar Dill is a regional organiser for the Free Democratic Movement. To learn more about the FDM’s initiatives or to become a member, visit https://fdmbermuda.com

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Published September 11, 2024 at 8:00 am (Updated September 10, 2024 at 6:57 am)

Closing schools harms our community

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