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Be the change you wish to see

Dwayne Robinson

We have all heard the phrase “It takes a Village to Raise a Child”, but I think along the way, some may have lost sight of what comprises the village.

Parents are an important component of a child’s life but so are their educators, environment, social clubs and societal opportunities. Collective responsibility and generational connectivity are of paramount importance.

As a community, we need to take collective effort in cultivating the success of generations behind us.

If we tackle our issues as a community and not as individuals, we increase our chances of experiencing the unity many of our predecessors did.

At times, the older generation views the youth as entitled, lazy and poorly mannered, while the youth view the older generation as stuck in their way, stifling and in some cases a barrier to their own progress. This generational disconnect is nothing new, but it should not deter us from using what each generation can contribute to the present and future of Bermuda.

We must create a culture of understanding that education does not only occur within school walls.

You don’t need to be a parent to be invested in those coming behind you. Taking an interest in a young person’s day and their school activities can go a long way. If you can, commit a time period each week where you can study with them.

Consistency is key.

Along with traditional education, we must ensure our verbal history is not lost.

Intergenerational communication should be encouraged, starting within our own families so that the youth and our seniors can share knowledge. Just as it is our responsibility to take care of our elders, equally important is supporting the youth.

A child’s environment is key to supporting their parents’ efforts and, in some cases, supplement a lack thereof.

In my own experience, I can vouch for the sense of importance a community club, kind neighbours, engaged educators and a supportive mother had on me. When the community reinforces a parent’s efforts to sculpt our young people, it increases the odds of keeping our youth on the right track.

Opportunities within our society for internships, apprenticeships and job opportunities in various fields can give our young people something to aspire to. We want them to see a future for themselves here in Bermuda. This is a much larger task but illustrates the importance of collective responsibility.

If we come together, we can use our various skillsets to build a space for all our young people, who will in turn pay it forward to our elders.

Yes, it takes a village to raise a child. We can all do our part starting in our own personal circles. Engage our young people to cultivate their goals and dreams. Also check the examples we are setting for them, even in passing.

They say children are always watching, so be the change you wish to see. A major thank-you to parents, grandparents, godparents, aunties, uncles, role models and community organisations for all you do to engage our youth.

Village Gathering

The African proverb “It Takes a Village to Raise a Child” speaks to a deep appreciation of the interconnected reality implicit in the growth and development of homo sapiens for millennia.

We are somewhat saddened by the reality of how humans have “progressed” to an extent that has led to a culture of “rugged individualism” and the resultant sense of isolation being widely experienced.

A collaboration of non-government and government stakeholders are working to restore that sense of community implicit in the proverb. In that regard, some local personalities are sharing their reflections on that wisdom.

There will be a “Village Gathering” staged today at Victor Scott Primary School from 4pm to 5.30pm.

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Published October 19, 2024 at 7:56 am (Updated October 19, 2024 at 7:20 am)

Be the change you wish to see

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