Trump’s new world order
Donald Trump has caused a stir among some of his neighbours, most notably with Canada, which shares the northern border of the United States and is its largest trading partner.
At first blush, it sounds like an absurd fantasy and, for too many other reasons, an impractical thought. However, with the idea of “one world” and publishing a book towards that end, I would be hypocritical if I didn’t give tacit support not to what President Donald Trump proposes as an annexation where Canada’s leader becomes a governor, but another version that we may call the United States of Canada.
Here, under this version of a USC, we can capture the best of two worlds: the socialist state of Canada and the jurisdictional democracy of the USA.
Aside from the fierce national pride of Canadians, there are a few who express their dissatisfaction with the tax system that traps them at the bottom of the economy with seemingly scarce opportunities to rise above the hard-working middle class. But even they, when challenged, would not trade their relatively free healthcare system or public education that is up to college level — and even universities that may be at a better level than in the US, and cost 10 per cent less.
While a little professional bias may exist in favour of the Ivy League, increasingly no one scoffs at degrees earned at universities such as Dalhousie, Queen’s, McMaster and a host of other top-rated institutions in Canada.
Those social instruments and values, the economic pillar of the society, are what distinguish Canada from the US. The country is more educated and generally healthier, which is reflected in the significantly lower crime rate. Hunting being a typical sport and normal function in country life, it could be said that Canada is a gun country and probably has more per capita than the US. But compare the murder statistics.
Yet, on a civic level, Canada is prehistoric when compared with the US. The Westminster system is similar to Bermuda’s, where parties are supreme and where — although all are invited — the vast majority remain unaffiliated to a party, making it the case that only 3 per cent of the eligible electorate will have the opportunity to be involved in selecting the Prime Minister. The nationwide breakdown of party membership is: Conservatives 700,000, Liberals 350,000, New Democratic Party 124,000 and Bloc Québécois 19,000. The total electorate is as much as 37 million.
If there is a benefit to fusing Americanism with Canada, it lies squarely in the civic arena that speaks to individual liberties and freedoms. The countervailing argument will be that social welfare is also essential for freedom because without basic equality there would be strife. Both societies have evolved alongside one another, separated by a 5,525-mile border. No greater example exists to demonstrate the different products evolving in these two vast jurisdictions standing side by side.
Bermuda needs to take an example from what is happening in its immediate vicinity to the west. As big as America is, Trump sees the value of making it bigger. Both jurisdictions are alive with accountability that is on open display with news reports, live televised commissions and internal investigations because, invariably, the lives of hundreds of millions of people are in some way affected. Conversely, in this small 60,000 jurisdiction of Bermuda, our governments shun daylight and want to get into bed with jurisdictions to our south that have even less scrutiny.
We lack the maturity to govern openly and, although our pride would say otherwise, we have shown the need for oversight.
The world is evolving where old issues are subsiding. Look at Britain today: more Muslims are attending the mosque than there are Christians in the Church — and it's a Christian country! All that to say the basic population today is more diverse than in old Mother England. The idea of a colonial master is a relic of the past. The future of Britain is yet to be written, and it may be that it is in the best interest of Bermudians to help write that future.
The world is progressing towards a new order with more inclusivity. That old idea of nation and flag, in particular Bermuda’s pursuit of “flag independence”, needs to be put aside in pursuit of the best options for its citizens’ growth and welfare.
All the events around the world, and the status within our country, speak loudly to us not being able to remain as we are and hope to prosper. The leadership has been shown clearly to be concerned only that it prospers. Our educational, judicial and social systems are broken. No one trusts the Government will work effectively or honestly to solve the country’s ills.
It is time the electorate took matters into its own hands and called for a referendum on Bermuda’s present status. The question: do Bermudians want a closer relationship with Britain?