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Take a chance on change

Rolfe Commissiong is the independent candidate for Pembroke Central (Constituency 17)

The independent candidates from the Movement for Independent Candidates, of which I am a founder, made a pledge. That principled pledge was to reject politics as usual and place the country’s interest ahead of allegiance to any party. I repeat: any party.

To date, neither the announced independent candidates nor the movement itself have broken that pledge for the sake of their ambition and betrayed the trust of the growing numbers of voters who are prepared and committed to reject party politics. These voters have made up their minds, and more are to follow who will vote for independent candidates across the country on February 18.

This is the most consequential election in decades — one that will rival those of 1968 and 1998. Conventional thinking, therefore, will not do. It did not apply to many elections globally in 2024 when incumbent governments lost elections or their majorities, which forced them into coalition governments such as what happened in South Africa with the African National Congress. What is demanded is an unconventional approach to how we think about politics and our collective future in a world of growing peril.

How do we and our supporters of this movement know we are on the right track? Because all three parties during this election campaign are spending time attacking us, the independent candidates. They are attacking us in social media and via mainstream media. I have even heard it on the street.

Bermudians, though, are simply refusing to buy it; they are simply turned off by it. I refuse to even view it. We must be about building social solidarity and, most importantly, trust in our Bermuda community. Something that has been sorely lacking. This Movement for Independent Candidates seeks Bermuda’s renewal.

This pledge to Bermuda’s renewal must also mean that its cost of living, which has been so ruinous to our families and our communities, is addressed as a matter of priority for the country. It must include a commitment and implementation of a living wage for Bermudians.

This pledge to Bermuda’s renewal must mean that the 8,000 Bermudians without health insurance, most of whom are Black, will have ready access to healthcare.

This pledge to Bermuda’s renewal must mean that Belco and its Canadian owner will be compelled to clean up their act as the worst environmental polluters of the 21st century. We must demand a long-term, permanent solution for these families and nothing less.

Finally, this pledge to Bermuda’s renewal must mean that we work together to ensure the country’s future.

None of the parties are going to do it. Vote for the independent candidate in your constituency.

Take a chance on change.

• Rolfe Commissiong is the independent candidate for Pembroke Central (Constituency 17)

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