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Association<\p>get tough

Continued from Page 17Richard Scott and Marvin Belboda, of Somerset Trojans, were charged with bringing the game into disrepute when, in bizarre fashion, they engaged in a fight during the 2-1 defeat away to Devonshire Colts on November 25. Scott was given a three-game suspension while Belboda was given a one-game ban.

Trevor Corday, of Ireland Rangers, was suspended for three games for his actions in the November 11 match against Hamilton Parish. Corday had been on the field for no more than 10 minutes at the start of the second-half when he was dismissed for foul and abusive language. His conduct after the dismissal is what landed him in more hot water.

Also due to appear at this week’s hearings was Parris Smith, of Boulevard, but officials from the clubs could not be contacted to confirm the disciplinary committee’s findings.