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A soul-stirring retirement service for Rev. Herbert

IT took 52 years to happen. And what a soul-stirring happening it was! We refer to the Pastoral Retirement Service Sunday at the First Church of God, Sound View Road, Somerset for its one and only pastor, the Rev. Leon G. Herbert. The event was marked by spirited, roof-raising singing, powerful testimonies and other tributes in poetry, pageantry and sustained standing ovations, honouring Pastor Herbert and his wife Rosalind for what their Bishop, Rt. Rev. Dr. Vernon G. Lambe termed their half-century plus "visionary leadership."

The service lasting nearly three hours got underway with the master of ceremonies, Elder Russell Williams bringing the overflow congregation to their feet singing "Everybody Let Us Praise God." That was the signal for the procession of the choir, clergy and dignitaries to take their places, awaiting the grand entrance of the honourees.

The music and singing reached a greater crescendo as the Herberts entered the sanctuary and were led to their throne-like seats at the side of the flower bedecked pulpit by a beautiful group of new generation liturgical dancers.

Without interrupting the flow of the spirit Bishop Lamb began his 'statement of purpose.' Hand clapping and amens that could have been heard all over Somerset and elsewhere, punctuated his remarks, as he proceeded to say, "This is not a funeral! We have not come to bury Caesar. We are here to celebrate God's servant; a legacy of 52 years of Christina leadership. All heaven is celebrating this glorious, faithful man and woman of God. This is a service of dignity. A service of Christian honour."

The prayer was invoked by Minister Evangelist Ann Warren and reading of the Scripture by Rev. Nelson Rewan was followed by tributes, first and foremost on behalf of the pastors and congregations of the Churches of God in Angle Street, Hamilton and North Shore, Pembroke. Next was the President of the West End Ministerial Alliance, Rev. Stephen Jones, followed by Elder Dr. Stanley Roberts with regrets from various dignitaries unable to attend for one reason or the other; among them being the Presiding Elder of AME Churches, the Rev. Malcolm Eve.

Senator Wayne Caines paid tribute on behalf of the Premier, Hon. Ewart Brown, his Cabinet and people of Bermuda. The Senator spoke with a sermonic fervor that drew loud clapping and several times brought persons in the congregation to their feet. He was followed by the Opposition Leader, Hon. Wayne Furbert who sustained the spirit with a liturgical twist.

The congregation was then taken on what was described as 'a journey down blessings lane.' It was a pageant on the life of Leon G. Herbert, dramatizing with song, dance and some realistic sound effects his growth from a baby lustily crying in his cradle to his teenaged years when the admonitions of his devout mother diverted him and his buddies enroute to see a Friday night Tarzan movie to attending a service at the Church of God in Angle Street. His conversion to Christ at the service, at age 19, was the presage for the 52-year ministry for which he was being so roundly honoured.

Bishop Lamb confessed tears were brought to his eyes observing the enthusiasm and the depth of Christian commitment by the young people of the church to the leadership of the Herberts. The Sound View Church, like each of the others of the denomination in the island was debt-free, having burnt its mortgage in November, 2000.

He called the Pastor and his wife forward to receive some more tangible expressions of appreciation their work had merited. This was by way of flowers and the first yield of his retirement fund that the Bishop, pastors and congregations of all the Churches of God have put in place. The honourees, he said, would have no worries about their welfare for the rest of their lives.

The couple in turn, gave prayerful thanks for all that had been accorded them. They then led the recession to the lower hall for a substantial repast.

Pastor Herbert, a carpenter by trade as well as an air-conditioning technician, has been part of the Somerset Church of God since its inception; and he is credited with being instrumental in most of the changes that have taken place there over the years. In 1953 he was induced to Somerset by the Rev. and Mrs. Clement Mayes, who were missionaries to Bermuda, pastoring at the Angle Street Church. At the outset the Somerset congregation worshipped in the open-air and the Odd Fellows Lodge building on the main road in the parish. In April 1955 young Mr. Herbert participated in the dedication of the first sanctuary on the present site that was originally occupied by a cottage. Significantly, it was there that the late Bishop Charles Foster (Holy) Fubler spent his formative years with his mother and grandmother. Also of note, on June 9, 1960, Pastor Herbert and his beloved Rosalind were the first couple to be married in the church.

On January 19, 1986 Pastor Herbert conducted the final service in the old sanctuary that was demolished the next day. By January 1987 the new sanctuary was ready for dedication and use by the greatly expanded congregation. Also the well-appointed lower hall was used as a Church Nursery.

Aside from the bricks-and-mortar features of Pastor Herbert leadership, the efforts of other saints involved in the work are documented in words and pictures in a colourful commemorative journal published in connection with Sunday's programme.