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Bargain Box closes ahead of $2.5-million renovation

THE Bargain Box is to close its doors today, its building to be completely demolished to make way for new, improved premises.

During the anticipated $2.5-million renovation, the charity will be housed on Cedar Avenue, operating out of the Hope Homes facility there.

Run by a host of volunteers, the Bargain Box was founded by Bea Stott in 1952. It operates on Midsea Lane ? located off Serpentine Lane ? as a fund-raising arm for the Committee of 25 for Handicapped Children.

On average it raises $2,000 a week through the sale of donated goods. In 2004, it netted the charity $100,000, funds which were used to send children on trips abroad and to buy hearing aids and similar items needed to enhance their quality of life.

?We?ve been here for several years,? said John Mongey, a Committee of 25 representative. ?Prior to this we ran the charity out of a small shed and now we?re going to build a bigger place.

?It?s a very popular charity. We close today and will run out of a temporary home on Cedar Avenue for however long it takes to rebuild.?

It is anticipated the improved facility will address a list of plagues the charity has suffered through for some time. In 2004 Mrs. Stott complained of having to waste thousands of dollars on truckers and Government dumping fees because inconsiderate residents were dropping off items that were unfit for sale.

And only last year, Committee of 25 chairman Ray O?Leary expressed frustration with intruders to the premises who repeatedly scattered goods left for collection and, in some cases, even defecated on them.

At that time he was hopeful that a ?bottom-up rebuild of the shop?, more than 20 years old, would afford better security and fix an additional problem ? a leaky roof which, due to a design fault of the premises could not be mended.

?We are planning to have a three-storey building with a different reception area for goods coming in and cameras providing surveillance throughout the building,? he said then.