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Belcario Thomas is the man with the excellent party plans!

RECENTLY I reported to you about the hugely successful Valentine's Day-themed Red Party II held at the Splash nightclub on Bermudiana Road. Now I'd like to tell you about the young marketing strategist who organised that celebration, an entrepeneur who is trying to bring Bermuda together by staging events that appeal to an across-the-board audience of Bermudians and Bermuda residents alike.

Unite Event Creations & Promotions is a relatively new event marketing company owned by Four Star Pizza family member, former domestic broker for Butterfield Bank, and son of the late, great entrepreneur, Mr. Freddie Thomas (bless his soul), Belcario Thomas.

His big brother and sister, Marico and Bethanne Thomas, successful entrepreneurs in their own rights, deserve a good deal of credit for inspiring him to take the plunge.

"Coming from a family like that always gave me inner strength and belief that I could one day be like them, and create my own destiny," said Mr. Thomas. Being able to employ and partner up with long term friends has been a great joy. "My ultimate goal, as far as Unite Promotions, is concerned is to entice jetsetters to start considering Bermuda as one of their party destination getaways.

"To start with, due to the dearth of nightlife entertainment and promotions on the island, Unite's ongoing series of world-class parties for classy, hip, like minded-people are one of several ways that in which we will pursue this initiative. A few years back most of our friends were complaining that there was nothing to do, nowhere to go. So we decided to address the situation ? instead of just complaining, we wanted to improve the current situation. A diverse group of like minded-friends and local residents decided to put on some parties of our own, and create our own entertainment.

"Initially, they were private parties, pool parties (when the parents were away of course) and then for long summers, Sunset party cruises aboard private yachts. Our last 'invite only' party before forming Unite was with my close buddy and project event manager for Unite, Dennie O'Conner. We jointly celebrated our 29th birthdays with a party held back in 2004, aboard yacht and at the La Coquille restaurant.

"After that was my first 'open invite' party with Unite was the inaugural Red Party held at the Bermuda Underwater Exploration and La Coquille. The event was such a huge success that I decided to have another colour-themed party. And another. And the rest, as they say, is history," quipped the young entrepreneur. "Unite, as an event marketing company, took off quite quickly. We began offering both event planning for international business corporations and conventions while offering promotions for a variety of retail and beverage brands. The firm became so busy so quickly that I ultimately resigned from domestic brokerage at the bank and begin brokering for Unite, now running my company full time."

The Red Party II evening featured an early (7 pm - 9 pm) cocktail reception/lounge party, followed by the main event from 9 pm until. The party was themed around the colour "red". So the motif was based around how this colour is incorporated into Valentine's Day celebrations. Kudos must be extended to Ms Danilee Trott, who does all the decorating for Unite Productions. She serves as Unite's Event & Design director..

She does an excellent job. Splash was beautifully decorated. And there were these very cool martinis with CellularONE red fluorescent lightsticks in them, which were more than just conversation pieces; they were also clever and eye catching.

Surprisingly, unlike most parties, lots of people were there early. People were dancing early, making conversation early and having a good time early. And it stayed that way from start to finish. Clearly a good time was being had by all. And it was a happy party, with no problems.

Don't you wish every party or every night out could be like this? Why can't we all just get along? This type of civilised ambience, Belcario says is no coincidence.

"Through selective target marketing and by opening our arms to like-minded people of different backgrounds, our friends, and friends of friends are how our message gets out", he said. "That message is straightforward enough ? it's what Unite stands for ? uniting like-minded people of different backgrounds. We want them to come out, flirt, mingle and meet new people. It's interesting to observe what happens because these people from very different backgrounds always end up finding out they have more in common with one another than they might have previously thought. And I believe that this type of getting-to-know-you socialising is the cure for most, if not all, of Bermuda's social issues."

Unite, going from strength to strength, will be organising more theme-based parties in the future.

"As Unite helps Bermuda's social and nightlife become more cohesive and grow, we need to stay fresh, connected and vibrant. Anyone interested in our efforts should call me at 737-2355 or visit our (developing) website www.unite.bm", concluded Belcario.