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Bermuda set to host Volleyball Worlds

BERMUDA is in the frame to host the Under-19 World Beach Volleyball Championships this year.A host of the world's top beach athletes are set to arrive for the September showpiece likely to be sited on Horseshoe Bay or Elbow Beach with stands erected to hold more than a thousand spectators.

BERMUDA is in the frame to host the Under-19 World Beach Volleyball Championships this year.

A host of the world's top beach athletes are set to arrive for the September showpiece likely to be sited on Horseshoe Bay or Elbow Beach with stands erected to hold more than a thousand spectators.

Bermuda Volleyball Association secretary Beth Rae said the event will attract hundreds of tourists as well as around 200 male and female athletes.

However full details of the tournament organised by the The FIVB (Federation Internationale de Volleyball) are likely to be announced at a press conference later this month.

The development is another sign of the strength of volleyball in Bermuda.

While the sport might not get much press attention there are 745 people signed up with the Bermuda VolleyBall Association.

Around 35 teams are likely to play in the Crystal Clear Corporate Volleyball Tournament tomorrow at Saltus Grammer School where players can register for the summer beach league at Elbow Beach.

Rae said 95 teams were again expected to participate this year after a big jump in interest for beach matches over the last two years. Demand is so great the event now runs on every weekday except Friday.

The appeal is not hard to fathom ? a fun co-ed sport, great location and the chance to mix and mingle at post-match parties. With only four on each side people get involved in the action more.

Most popular is the fun C league said Rae. "People see it as a great social event, they bring their kids, they bring barbecues."

The only thing stopping further expansion is space.

For more serious players there is the two-a-side King and Queen of the Beach league run at Horseshoe Bay on Sunday and Tuesday nights.

Rae has been playing since she was 12 and is captain of the national team.

The women's national squad came fifth in the Island Games in Shetland and is intent on doing better next time around in Rhodes next year.

The national team played in an Easter invitational at MIT in Boston and last week hosted a team from Halifax, Canada which included players who had played in the national side.

Although Bermuda lost all three matches Rae said such experiences helps the Bermuda team develop.

"I was pretty happy with the way we played. They are probably better than the best teams in the Island Games. Realistically we should do better in the next Island Games. We are picking up new key players. We are very excited about next year."

If you are interested in joining a beach team or finding out more email bdavbhotmail.com