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Bloomberg's daughters set to buy The Jungle

THE daughters of New York City billionaire Mayor Michael Bloomberg are set to do like their father and purchase a piece of Bermuda.

The New York Daily News said Emma and Georgiana Bloomberg had filed an application with Bermuda's Ministry of Home Affairs to buy The Jungle, a 1.7-acre property next to their dad's $10.5 million mansion in Tucker's Town.

The ultra-exclusive property is owned by Hugh Lowenstein, one of Mr. Bloomberg's oldest friends and a member of his company's board of directors.

A real estate agency described The Jungle as an "exquisite property" and "magnificent house" with a large galleried living room, replete with a cedar railing balcony leading to the bedrooms.

Robert Horton, Home Affairs Permanent Secretary, told the newspaper the mayor's daughters had filed all the required paperwork to buy the property, although the sale was yet to be approved.

"But the fact that it has gone this far suggests most things are in order," he was quoted as saying. The mayor's Bermuda home has a "vanishing horizon" pool overlooking the bay and a private terrace connected to his nearly 500-square-foot master bedroom.

His neighbours include former US Presidential candidate Ross Perot and Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi.

Mr. Bloomberg, who has a private jet, has getaways around the world, including London; Vail, Colorado; and North Salem in Westchester County, Upstate New York. His primary residence is a snazzy townhouse on the Upper East Side of Manhattan.

"The most important thing about Bermuda, the people are nice," Mr. Bloomberg was quoted as saying in 2003. "I have never met one Bermudian who didn't make you feel welcome," he added. "They like tourists. They like to meet new people. It's safe, it's great!"