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British police wait for answer over tip on jogger attack

BRITISH detectives have told Bermuda police where to find the man who fled the island after a vicious attack on a lone woman but say they have had no response, the Mid-Ocean News can reveal.

Prime suspect Anthony Provan flew out of Bermuda to London hours after the attack on a lone jogger in Parsons Lane, Devonshire, on November 6 last year.

Police in Provan's home town of Glasgow, Scotland, have confirmed they have twice contacted Bermuda police following the incident, but have never heard anything back.

A Strathclyde police spokeswoman said the force first contacted Bermuda police in November after Provan's family reported him missing. The 32-year-old computer technician had been named in a Scottish Sunday newspaper as the suspect in the attack, prompting Strathclyde to inform the island's police that he had been reported missing.

Shortly afterwards, Provan was found safe and well and the Scottish force again notified Bermuda Police about this, but they say they were met with silence on both occasions.

The revelations have prompted anger from women's campaigners who accused the island's police force of not taking crimes against women seriously.

Penny Dill, the executive director of the Woman's Resource Centre (WRC), said: "If this is true, we would have some serious concerns about the seriousness with which these types of crimes are being treated in this community and by Bermuda police.

"Obviously the person has not been convicted, but this is a very serious attack and having no follow up is really pathetic."It is thought the attacker deliberately ran down the 42-year-old woman as she was jogging alone near Bermuda Waterworks at lunchtime. The man asked her if she was alright and then tried to drag her into his car.

The woman managed to struggle free but her attacker dragged her into the bushes. He continued raining blows onto her as she cried for help. The frenzied attack only ended when a passing motorist stopped to help and the suspect sped off.

A Strathclyde police spokeswoman said: 'He was reported missing in November and in a matter of weeks he was traced safe and well.

'We have been in touch with Bermuda police but nothing has ever came back.

"The first was when he was reported missing here, then when he was traced, but Bermuda Police have never got back to us."

It is understood Provan is not living in Britain but is on mainland Europe.

In November, Chief Inspector Andrew Boyce said the suspect had been identified at lunchtime on the day of the attack.

His home in Pembroke had been searched and his car was impounded.

He said there was nothing to indicate the suspect, whom Bermuda police have not named but say is from Glasgow, was intending to flee the island and he was quoted as saying the Bermuda force was co-operating with British police.

The Bermuda Police Service yesterday issued a terse statement in response to a telephone inquiry and two detailed e-mails seeking comment on the information from Strathclyde police.

"All we are prepared to say at this point is that the case is still under investigation and Mr. Provan is a person of interest to the Bermuda Police Service," said a police spokesman.