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Mrs. Ivy Mary Keeble, 97, of South Shore, Devonshire.Leonard S. White, 97, in Santa Fe, New Mexico, formerly of Bermuda.Hylton Alfred Powell, 84, of Florida, formerly of Devonshire.Mrs. Ivy Cecilia Lowe, 89, of West Avenue, Sunnyside Park, Southampton.Richmond Llewellyn Palmer Lambert, 87, of Westdale Lane, Southampton.

Mrs. Ivy Mary Keeble, 97, of South Shore, Devonshire.

Leonard S. White, 97, in Santa Fe, New Mexico, formerly of Bermuda.

Hylton Alfred Powell, 84, of Florida, formerly of Devonshire.

Mrs. Ivy Cecilia Lowe, 89, of West Avenue, Sunnyside Park, Southampton.

Richmond Llewellyn Palmer Lambert, 87, of Westdale Lane, Southampton.

Mrs. Jean Gallagher, MBE, 84, of Nursery Lane, Sandys.

Peter William Richold, 77, of Warwick.

Mrs. Lois Gloria Caines, 73, of Mission Lane, Pembroke East.

Eugene (Midnight) Evans, 67, of St. Anne's Road, Southampton.

Anthony MacLeod Pilling, 67, in Vancouver, Canada, formerly of Bermuda.

Joseph Soares Figueirado, Jr., 59, in Toronto, Canada.

Larry Chesterfield Reginald (Pwee Wee) Jennings, 53, of East Gate Lane, Pembroke.

Isabelle Faith Watlington, of Mangrove Bay, Somerset.