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Delcina realises a dream but insists: We all need to protect our skin every day

A BERMUDA line of sunscreen products was launched a few months ago with a specific message behind it ? we all need to protect our skin, and we should do so every day.

The Triangle Toner range includes a lotion, spray, towellette and lip balm. Each offers a Sun Protection Factor (SPF) of 30 and is priced under $15. All are waterproof and packaged small enough that they easily fit into a purse or carryall.

The line was introduced last year by Health Tech Renaissance Ltd.

President Delcina Bean-Burrows came up with the idea, believing a range of sunscreen would be an appropriate fit to the services her company already offered.

"Health Tech Renaissance is a preventive health organisation," she explained. "(Our clients) learn how to live with chronic diseases such as high blood pressure, hypertension and arthritis."

An occupational therapist, Mrs. Bean-Burrows said Health Tech Renaissance was established following the success of an injury prevention programme she offered.

Today, the company offers a variety of services ? among them, first aid supplies and training, stress clinics and a programme to quit smoking.

"In keeping with our mission statement, which is to contribute to the improvement of the state of public health, we continually try to come up with products, services and ideas," the therapist explained.

"One of the things that we know is that the incidence of skin cancer, for example, is expected to increase steadily between now and the year 2010 ? because of the depletion of the ozone layer, because people are spending more and more time out in the sun.

"In understanding that, and also in looking at trends that are expected in terms of public health issues, we always want to be on the cutting edge. We want to be able to either provide a service that gets to the root of those types of problems, or a product that is preventive in nature. That's how Triangle Toner fits in."

Though she realised she would be introducing a product into an already saturated market, Mrs. Bean-Burrows said she was encouraged by two factors ? many of the existing lotions tended to be quite heavy, and none was linked to Bermuda.

"Ever since I was in school I always wanted to launch a sunscreen product for Bermuda. I always found it strange that we didn't have one. We wanted something that was formulated especially for Bermuda weather.

"In Bermuda, because it's so humid you tend to sweat (sunscreen) off faster, which means you're going to have to reapply it that much more. The higher the SPF, the heavier the cream tends to be so we decided SPF 30 would be a good balance.

"Its non-greasy texture is great for humid conditions and also, because of the sheerness of the substance, it acts as a wind chill protector. So it's great for people who ride bikes and participate in activities where your skin gets wind burned."

To incorporate a Bermuda element, Mrs. Bean-Burrows added cedar extract to additives more common among sunscreens ? Vitamins A and E, and Aloe Vera.

"As an occupational therapist, I have a bit of a medical background and so I just drew off my basic knowledge of chemistry and physics and worked with a chemist to tell him what components I wanted in there and what I didn't want. It really wasn't that hard.

"Already having (sunscreen products on the market) made it somewhat easier. I was able to tell them what I didn't want. I didn't want it to be a very heavy lotion at all. I wanted something that was light but still gave maximum protection.

"I wanted it to be something that contained elements of Bermuda and, in addition to being concerned about public health, we wanted to be able to contribute in some way to the tourism market. We wanted to be able to promote Bermuda ? if somebody who's not from here buys our product and takes it with them, they've always got a reminder of Bermuda."

Tone was launched last October. According to Mrs. Bean-Burrows, the decision to introduce it outside of the warmer months was made for a couple of reasons.

"We didn't want to be competing with other sunscreen lotions at the height of summer when everyone is going to reach for what they already know," she explained. "We also wanted to discard the myth that sunscreen is something you're only supposed to wear in summer. It's not. You're supposed to wear it year 'round.

"We've had a really great reception in terms of the product. We really want people to know ? especially people who work outside ? that they should use our product. It's a message which fits in with the occupational health aspect of what we do."

Another message Health Tech Renaissance is trying to get across as part of the product's importance to public health, is that sunscreen should be used by everybody.

"When we launched (the sunscreen) we were also able to launch our 'Protect the Skin All Year 'Round Campaign'.

"There is the myth that if you are not Caucasian you don't need to protect your skin. The fact is that once you're out in the sun you still get exposed to the same amount of UV rays as anyone. So it doesn't matter what your skin colour, it doesn't matter what time of the year it is, everybody really needs to protect their skin."

keeping with that campaign, the organisation initiated a second scheme, the Triangle Toner Athlete of the Year.

"We decided to link (Triangle Toner) to sporting efforts and so we named (long-distance runner) Kavin Smith, the 2005 Athlete of the Year. With that comes an initial stipend of $500 for him and we made a matching donation to his charity, Friends of Hospice.

"As well, every time he competes this year, he gets a stipend from us. It's a way of supporting local athletics as well as charities in Bermuda."

Triangle Toner products are available, directly, from Health Tech Renaissance and at select stores throughout the island including pharmacies. According to Mrs Bean-Burrows, a designated outlet ? called the Box Triangle ? is in the works and will house the range of sunscreen in the near future.

"Since we started a new marketing campaign we've had a few more retailers who are looking to come online as well. Right now, it's available through our catalogue via mail order, and you can have it delivered wherever you are on the island, within one or two business days.