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Dodwell: Stiffer penalties are needed to punish criminals who target tourists

SHADOW Tourism Minister David Dodwell has renewed calls for criminals who target visitors to receive stiffer penalties.

And he also believes increased security at the island?s beaches could deter some criminals from opportunistic thefts.

Mr. Dodwell said he had become aware of a number of visitors whose holidays were ruined because of criminal activity.

Rattling off a slew of newspaper reports of recent crimes, Mr. Dodwell said: ?These thieves are becoming so brazen ? even if something?s secured they?ll just keep grabbing away.?

The hotelier noted that many thefts took place on beaches, while visitors on hire bikes were also seen by thieves as vulnerable.

And he said he was particularly concerned to read a report of a hotel break-in in which a thief armed with a machete confronted a guest.

?I don?t want to sound alarmist but I really am very worried ? if we have one serious crime that results in injury, that could really set us back,? Mr. Dodwell said.

?It?s dreadful PR because visitors will go back home and tell everyone that they were robbed in Bermuda. It?s one thing to have something stolen while on the beach where you never see the thief but if someone comes into their room these people feel personally violated ? it really is frightening.?

Mr. Dodwell said hotels placed cards in rooms advising tourists to be wary of crime.

?But is it enough?? he asked.

?I think we have to start getting into the area of beach patrols because we need to send out a very strong message. A thief might be deterred if he knew that some sort of security was going to be looking out for them.?

The Shadow Minister also appealed to residents to remain vigilant at the beach in a bid to bring crime figures down.

But he said the most significant step would be to double the sentence of anyone found guilty of committing a crime against a visitor.

?A crime against a visitor is a crime against the economy and the perpetrator should get a stiffer penalty ? when are we going to realise that Tourism is the foundation of this economy?? he said.