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Don't be so hard on the Governor

You are an excellent writer of English prose and, for that reason, many of us enjoy your editorials, which nonetheless tend to be over lengthy and totally incomprehensible to the incognoscenti!By the same token, those of us, who enjoy your editorials from an aesthetic standpoint, also have every sympathy for most of what you have to say - sometimes all of it. Your editorial of August 15, 2003 does, however, indicate that Homer does, indeed, "nod" from time to time.

August 18, 2003

Dear Sir,

You are an excellent writer of English prose and, for that reason, many of us enjoy your editorials, which nonetheless tend to be over lengthy and totally incomprehensible to the incognoscenti!

By the same token, those of us, who enjoy your editorials from an aesthetic standpoint, also have every sympathy for most of what you have to say - sometimes all of it. Your editorial of August 15, 2003 does, however, indicate that Homer does, indeed, "nod" from time to time.

I agree with your views on the reprehensible behaviour of the PLP in deceiving the public, and the need for the PLP to update its constitution but, you would appear to have totally misread the role of the Governor, whom you have quite erroneously tarred with the brush of his predecessor.

The unlamented "Invisible Man" had no idea how to deal with those issues, e.g., Coxall and was led by the nose by successive Governments.

The present Governor would, however, seem to be of an altogether different calibre, more in the mould of the Lord Waddington, though perhaps less politically savvy.

Perhaps we should all bear in mind the following:

1. However deceitful the PLP may have been, they produced, ultimately, a united front and the Governor, being between a rock and a hard place, would have found it politically and constitutionally unable to insist on a new election. Had he so insisted, one can only imagine that it would have created some uncomfortable civil unrest.

2. Whilst the regime is making some more encouraging noises, the proof of the pudding is in the eating and we should all keep a weather eye on how it is practising what it preaches.

3. It is conceivable that there will be opportunities for calling an early Election and there is little doubt that the electorate and, more importantly, Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition will use the PLP deceit to their, and therefore, the country's advantage.

4. In the meantime, Mr. Editor, you may with advantage get to know our Governor - you may find that he is of sterner stuff than is good for you!

Forgive the length of this letter - it is still shorter than your editorials - and Copernicus sounds much more like Miss Otis. . .


Let's take action over messy beach

August 15, 2003

Dear Sir,

Thank you, thank you, and thank you. Now that former Works & Engineering Minister Quinton Edness is involved maybe, just maybe the horrific mess at Warwick Long Bay will get resolved. It has been a major, major, major complaint and concern about the garbage, horse manure lining the beach. It really must be addressed and dealt with.

Hopefully now that Quinton Edness has seen it first hand and has seen the seriousness of the problem we can expect to see a clean and healthy Warwick Long Bay again.

Thank you for addressing this long outstanding problem and we hope to see something positive done in the not too foreseeable future.

Also, do you think that maybe when Bermuda's prisoners are sent out that they could go out to clean up the roads in Somerset, especially along Cambridge Road, Long Bay, the beer bottles, bikes, refrigerators, stoves, trash thrown in the bushes is disgusting and desperately needs a month's cleaning.

Somerset is so beautiful, but to walk along the quaint roads only to look at the garbage thrown away in the bushes and along side of the roads is such an "eye sore".

