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Eva, you missed the point: We must learn from history

Poor Eva missed the entire point of my letter.The point dear Eva (if I maybe so familiar) was to remind the reader of the dangers of nationalism, and those politicians and self-appointed 'leaders' who would first implant a neo-national identity then proceed to ride on the crest of the wave to achieve their personal goals.

Dear Sir,

Poor Eva missed the entire point of my letter.

The point dear Eva (if I maybe so familiar) was to remind the reader of the dangers of nationalism, and those politicians and self-appointed 'leaders' who would first implant a neo-national identity then proceed to ride on the crest of the wave to achieve their personal goals.

The pages of history ? right up to the current day ? are full of the tragic consequences of nationalism and ambitious, ruthless leaders who exploited this group behaviour, or instinctive territorial drive to define who belongs to the group and who does not.

The point of the letter was actually to highlight that we are in fact already there where we need to be as Bermudians. The only tragedy that can occur will happen if we allow 'activists' with axes to grind to chop us up in pieces, and pit one racial or ethnic group against the other.

It is spelled out now for you Eva. That is how very many of us feel whether of African, Caucasian or 'other' extraction. Many of us are a tad more concerned about what will happen in a few hundred years, when Bermuda's land mass will ? in all probability ? amount to about half of the current available.

Where then with all the 'independent' Bermudians?


City of Hamilton