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Irish eyes are smiling as Brinky is installed as Provincial Grand Master

THE Right Wor. Bro St. Clair (Brinky) Tucker and a delegation of prominent Bermudian "Irish" Freemasons have returned home from Dublin, capital of the Republic of Ireland, where on Thursday of last week they witnessed his installation as Provincial Grand Master (PGM) of Irish Freemasons in the Province of Bermuda.

The event, a first for a Bermudian, was the main item on the agenda of the annual June communication of the Grand Lodge of Ireland, which is the governing body of Irish Freemasonry worldwide.

Some 300 Masons from Australia, Canada, the United States, Nigeria, Ghana, Jamaica, Italy, Malta and other territories were in attendance, and saluted the new ruler according to ancient custom. Wives who accompanied many of the visitors shared in the attendant social events.

The Grand Master, M.W. Bro. Eric N. Waller, presided over the ceremony. He ensured that a red-red carpet was rolled out for 62-year-old Rt. Wor. Bro. Tucker and his delegation, and that they were royally wined and dined as a signal to the world that Bermuda had beautifully bounced back from eruptions at the century-old Hannibal Lodge in St. George'ss that beset the Province three or four years ago.

The Bermuda delegation comprised Dr. Clarence E. James, who had the distinction of being the first Provincial Grand Master when the Bermuda Province was consecrated on January 21,1989 (he was installed in a local ceremony); Rt. Wor.Bro. Ralph E. Seligman, a barrister from the Bahamas, who more than a year ago was installed interim Grand Master of Bermuda; Very Wor. Bro. Richmond Anderson; Very Wor. Bro Keith White, Prov.Grand Secretary of Bermuda; and Wor. Bro. David Mello.

Prior to his installation as PGM, Bro. Tucker was elevated by the Grand Master to the rank of Hon. Grand Deacon in the Grand Lodge. After the installation Bro. David Mello presented him with a silver square, it being a replica of one of the historic relics of Irish Freemasonry, the Baal's Square. A limited edition of only 500 was cast in silver from a mould of the original, and Bro. Tucker's is certified as No. 224.

PGM Tucker was applauded when he told the assemblage how privileged he felt at the honours bestowed on him. He assured the Grand Master he was looking forward to developing a strong Irish Province predicated on Peace, Love and Harmony; and he extended a warm invitation for him to visit Bermuda.

Three days after returning from Dublin, Bro. Tucker attended a meeting presided over by Past PGM of Bermuda, Rt. Wor. Dr. Gerard Bean, relative to formation of the first Irish Royal Arch Chapter in Bermuda, consecration of which is tentatively set for next September 23. On Thursday he made his first official visit, which was to Hannibal Lodge, his Mother Lodge.

As PGM, he has oversight of six Irish Lodges, Hannibal, Abercorn, Bermuda Garrison, Friendship and Harmony, Bermuda Installed Masters Lodge, GRE, and the Provincial Grand Lodge. As of September there will be a seventh, the Royal Arch Chapter. In November, plans are afoot for him to lead a delegation from Bermuda to Nassau for the consecration of the first Irish Lodge in the Commonwealth of the Bahamas.

By profession PGM Tucker is an insurance underwriter, and a former Bermuda Police Service Inspector. He is married and lives in St. David's.