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Island's nurses to be 'recognised for their tireless efforts'

THE Bermuda Hospitals Association is to honour its nurses with a series of activities, to be held at the islands two hospitals next week.

The events will be held in conjunction with the Bermuda Nurses' Association and run in conjunction with the anniversary of the birthday of one of its most famous professionals, Florence Nightingale (pictured).

"All around the world in May, in conjunction with Florence Nightingale's birthday on May 12, nurses are recognised for their tireless efforts," said BHB chief operating officer, clinical programmes, Kathy-Ann Lewis.

"Together with the Bermuda Nursing Association, the Bermuda Hospitals Board arranges activities and presents donations to clinical programme managers for their nursing staff. We also use this week to educate the public about significant work that nurses do and to promote the nursing profession.

"We invite the general public to thank a nurse who has made a difference in their lives as we celebrate this important week."

Numbering more than 400, nurses comprise the largest body of healthcare professionals within the Bermuda Hospitals Board. The activities kick off May 10, and culminate May 16 with the announcement of the Nurse of the Year.