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It's not exactly Ali versus Frazier . . . but it should be quite entertaining!

IGHT Night has thrown up some glorious novice fights over the years but this year could excel as the man dubbed 'The Lump' takes on a man who could plausibly be dubbed 'The Limp.' The bout sees MR Onions footballer Mark Dunlop, who picked up his Lump nickname before he shed more than 35 pounds in training, take on Renegades rugby player Mike Williams who is not known for his mobility or indeed fitness.

"I broke my ankle three times. I do tend to walk with a limp," noted the humorous Welshman.

While Dunlop has been training since November ? putting in two hours a night every Monday, Wednesday and Friday ? Williams has taken a more laid back approach, doing just the one session.

"I might go down," offered Williams on Wednesday lunchtime. "But I am still on my high fat, low exercise diet."

He came out unscathed from his solitary session.

"Luckily the bags don't hit back do they? They told me to tie my right hand to my head, I keep dropping my guard," said Williams, who formed an impromptu comedy double act with Dunlop during their first meeting at offices, despite the fact that the two were due to be locked in combat within days.

Dunlop has been fending off blows from some of the top guys on Saturday's billing at Number One Shed including Lynden Woods and heavyweight championship contender Leo Richardson.

The training has been gruelling and painful and he has bit his tongue in four places.

"I had my nose burst again on Wednesday."

The culprit was club mate Robin Perry who was sparring with him. "He said to me at the start 'take it easy', then he hit me as hard as he could right on the nose. Blood came everywhere."

That statement seemed to worry Williams who is nick-named "Cantona" after his resemblance to the Manchester United legend. He interjects: "I have quite a big nose to aim at."

Indeed there is a lot to aim at concedes 32-year-old Williams who at 210 pounds is older and distinctly heavier than his opponent ? a 27-year-old Scot.

"I might be coming in a bit lighter," he said optimistically.

To which Dunlop responds: "I might be coming in a bit heavier. Might go back on the muffins."

Dunlop has rigidly stuck to a strict salad diet, losing more than 35 pounds in three months and has not had a drink since November, although the end is in sight.

"I heard the drink is free on Saturday night," he said.

Dunlop, who co-manages MR Onions Sunday football team, was inspired to try for Fight Night by club mate Greg Fraser who last year beat William's teammate Simon Brazier over three rounds.

"There should be some singing," said Williams recalling the the back and forth banter between Onions supporters and Renegades fans last year.

He joins six other teammates from Renegades Rugby club on the billing which could be a sell-out.

"Someone dropped out and they kept phoning me as captain asking if I could think of anybody.

"I said if you get really stuck I might do it. It was a bit of bizarre decision. They got me didn't they? I am very worried, not to put too fine a point on it. I am not fit enough but he's giving away a bit of weight so it evens up.

"I have always wanted to do it but I never fancied doing the training so this is ideal for me. I am worried. I remember one of the Mariners boys getting knocked out after about 30 seconds." Williams can't recall the last time he was in a fight.

"You do get a bit of argy-bargy on the rugby pitch but it's all handbags ? nothing you would call a full-blown fight.

"It's generally hit someone and cover up, isn't it? And hope your mates help you."

Meanwhile Dunlop's mates are not being all that supportive.

"Even my good friend John Lally has a 100 bucks against me," he added.

Teachers Rugby Football Club are hosting Fight Night on Saturday. Doors open at 7 p.m.