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Kirkland heads off to 'Boot Camp' in France

ZANDER Kirkland heads out on Saturday to France where he will undergo a two-week sailing "Boot Camp" in his preparations for the World Championships in Turkey ? and hopefully a spot on Bermuda's team going to the Olympics in Greece.

Kirkland recently returned from South America where he competed in the South American Laser Championships and the Brazil National Championships.

"I got back to Bermuda last Saturday and I head out to France this weekend," said Kirkland.

At the South American Championships off Sao Sebastiao, Brazil, Kirkland finished in a strong 12th place. Before going to the championships in Brazil, Kirkland had some training with coach Dino Weber in Argentina. Of the racing in Brazil, Kirkland said: "It was good racing and encouraging because at times I was right up there with the top guys. It was windy and was good training for my legs. I had a very good time down there and thankfully and it was warm. I learned a lot especially the importance of getting off the line and taking advantage of when the conditions are favourable for me.

"At the Brazilian nationals the winds finally started to come off the land which was good for me because it was similar to what we get in Bermuda when we race in the Great Sound. When the wind did come off the land I had three top 10 finishes."

Kirkland will now face much colder weather when he trains in France.

"I will be sailing, eating and sleeping ? that is all you do there and it will be good training ? just like Boot Camp! However I know the weather is going to be a lot colder than in Brazil. I am hoping that their cold winter will have mostly ended."

The training camp is at Hyeres near Marseille. "There is a dorm and a kitchen and we will have access to a gym. I expect to be there for three and a half weeks and following that I will race in a four-day regatta in Barcelona."

From there the Bermudian will go to Mallorca for more training and a regatta. "You had to be invited for that regatta and thankfully I just received my invitation this week," said Kirkland. From Mallorca he will go back to the Boot Camp at Hyeres for a couple of weeks and then to another regatta near the French town. "It will be a great primer for the World Championships and also my coach Dino Weber will be coming over. He will watch me and take notes and after that we go to Turkey for the Worlds."

The Worlds will be held in Bitez, Bodrum, Turkey and Kirkland and Weber plan to get there about 10 days early "to get used to the venue".

He said: "I have to get my game face on for the Worlds." The championships will be held from May10-19.

Kirkland, who has taken time off from his studies at Tufts University in Massachusetts to campaign for an Olympic spot, is hoping to join fellow Bermudians Peter Bromby and Paula Lewin who have qualified for the Olympics in Athens in the Star and Yngling classes respectively.