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Kiwanis show safety thirst

A COMBINED effort by the island's three Kiwanis Clubs ? St. George's, Hamilton and Somerset ? culminated in an award ceremony at the Ocean View Golf Club.

Students from various schools were singled out, and received safety helmets for their participation in an island-wide Family Safety Day that involved safe riding practices, the wearing of helmets and writing of an essay on road safety.

Leleath Bailey, vice-president of Hamilton Kiwanis as well as Council secretary, who co-ordinated the Safety Day activities, was the mistress of ceremonies. In attendance representatives of Transport Control Department the Police Service and business and community leaders who supported the Kiwanians in their safety drive.

The chief sponsor was Esso Bermuda, represented by its manager, Mark Fields, and business analyst Elliott Douglas.

Esso donated safety helmets to the winners. Mr. Fields said his firm was so encouraged by the efforts of the Kiwanians and the interest of the students that it will be instituting incentives for all students patronising Esso stations while wearing bicycle safety helmets.

Other speakers were the chairman of the Road Safety Council, Dr. Joseph Francioni; police traffic officers Fiona Miller and Steven Paynter; the Past Lt.-Governor of local Kiwanians, Gary Kent-Smith, as well as current Lt.-Governor Dennis DeShields.