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Let's invest in our national sport

BERMUDA must start investing money into the game of football and also start to implement proper security measures at football matches. What we saw last weekend at the Friendship final in St. George's was disgraceful. But let's be clear about one thing: this was not the first time scenes like this have happened at our football grounds. Remember the scenes at Devonshire Rec a couple of years ago? Remember the scenes at Southampton Rangers not that long ago? And those incidents were also caught on tape. This is just the latest and probably worst incident. What are we going to do? Wait until someone gets killed! I think that Bermuda must be the only country in the world where you can drive your car into the grounds. That is ridiculous! You can hide all sorts of weapons in your car and drive right into the ground. What are people thinking? There is hardly any security at games in Bermuda.

And then just look at our clubs and grounds in Bermuda. Most are in a disgraceful state and need a good infusion of money. This is our national game we are talking about and I really feel very, very sorry for all those children who were at Wellington Oval last weekend and saw the violence. It is out of control. Those young children will now be traumatised for years to come and who knows whether they will return to watch football.

The Bermuda Football Association must be accountable for much of what has gone on over the years. I hear that they want to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars for a new BFA headquarters. Well as far as I am concerned their offices are OK right now ? what I would like to see is for the money to go and help improve the clubs. I shake my head in dismay every time I see the state of the Devonshire Rec field ? in fact practically all the fields across Bermuda.

Money should be spent on getting proper security devices at the clubs so you can't bring in these weapons. We need cameras to watch what is going on. I have seen violence among so called fans when I played for West Ham but I don't think I have ever seen things like swords and machetes being pulled out. And when there was violence in England the Police were right there immediately. We simply cannot go on like this.

As far as those young people who are doing the violence are concerned, we have to try and find out what is wrong because believe when I say that this problem is not simply going to disappear. All of us in Bermuda have to sit down together and try and sort this mess out or it is going to get worse and worse.