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Music cruise to benefit ailing Ian

BERMUDA'S "First Lady of Dancehall DJs" will be celebrating in style aboard the MV Longtail tomorrow night to kick off the first annual "Get Hypnotized Cruise", writes Walter Brown

DJ Jada, aka Jamela Daniels, has amassed a loyal following both in and out of the dancehall circuit and has gained the respect and admiration of fellow DJs, almost all of them male.

"I decided to have a cruise, being it is my first year playing alongside Magnum Force and since tomorrow is my birthday we decided to have a cruise."

Norman Godwin, affectionately known as "Magnum" or "Maggy", added the cruise will feature some household names in the local entertainment industry including DJ Rodigon and the Afterdark Sound system.

"We're planning on making it an annual event and each year it will be bigger and have more spice to it and we will be donating something to charity. We will have a variety of DJs to cater to the variety of people who will be on board with us and Jada will be spinning as well bring her unique sound to the mix. Also there will be an after hours affair for the night owls."

Conspicuous by his absence from the AfterDark Sound System is Ian Thomas, one of the founding members of the popular entertainment outfit. Ian has been hospitalised and has been reluctantly relegated to the sidelines for quite some time said a spokesman for MF productions.

Co-manager of MF productions Kuane Smith said: " It got to the point where he (Ian) is in the hospital receiving medical attention and he is part of the sound family.

"We will donate part proceeds to help Ian offset his medical expenses. We (Magnum Force) and AfterDark are like family and this is like helping a family member. We feel honoured to assist him in efforts of recovery."

"We wish him a speedy recovery and get back into the swing of things, but most importantly for our fans and newcomers to come out an support this worthy effort;" added Jada.

"He is a big miss in the dancehall circuit. He is there from start to finish. When both sounds play together we move as one unit. We run our jokes, talk and pick on one and other and right now he isn't there to support the 'Rat Patrol Crew,'" said Maggy.

Fans of AfterDark who wish to make a donation can contact DJ Jada at styliiyahoo.com.

Tickets are $30 in advance and are available at Dub City in Hamilton, Bermuda Motors/Suzuki Centre and from Magnum Force and AfterDark members.

Latecomers will be able to purchase tickets for $35 at the boat, which will leave Albuoy's Point at midnight. Hypnotic, Cellular One, Hypnotic and Fast Forward sponsor the event.