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Pamplin fights on

SHADOW Works & Engineering Minister Patricia Gordon Pamplin vowed yesterday to continue her investigations into whether the sewage pump house to be built at the new Berkeley school next year will require funding over and above the $68-million budget for the project.

This newspaper revealed last week that the Government had advertised for a contractor to build the two-storey pump house three months after the school's original completion target date.

"When you have a contractor that has been assigned specifically for the project and then the Government is tendering for a separate part of the same project, you have to wonder who is going to pay for it," Mrs. Pamplin said. "I shall continue to probe to find out what is going on."

Although Pro-Active Management Systems is the general contractor for the Second Senior School construction project, the offer for tenders to build the sewage pump house was advertised by the Ministry of Works & Engineering.