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Players up the ante

NATIONAL football coach Kenny Thompson received a pleasant surprise during training for the upcoming World Cup qualifier against Montserrat.

"I am very pleased with the way the preparation is proceeding. The players are conducting themselves quite well ? in fact they upped the ante a little bit. They have requested extra training sessions ? they want to give themselves a better chance of being successful. And as a coach it is great to see."

At the moment the squad is training four times a week ? Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Saturdays at the National Sports Centre and then on Mondays they are doing strength training in the gym.

Thompson said: "The turnout for training has been fantastic ? we have a squad of 34 players and of course some of those players may be injured, some off the Island and there are some who can't make every one of the sessions because of work commitments. But the communication between the players and myself have been very good. I pretty much know each individual player's circumstances ? and that is important."

Thompson was also happy about the drafting of Bermuda's Kevin Richards by the Colorado Rapids of the Major League Soccer organisation. Richards is studying political science and English at the renown Notre Dame University.

"I was pleasantly surprised when I tuned into the draft," said Thompson. "I have been in contact with Kevin for some time now and I have expressed my interest in his involvement in the World Cup. He is now part of our squad and will definitely be given an opportunity to compete for a place in the team. It is good to have someone playing at the level he is playing (in college) and now closer to being professional."

Of Major League Soccer, Thompson said: "It is certainly improving ? there are a lot of young players coming through. It is still a process and can only get better. For a Bermudian to be given a chance opens the door for more Bermuda players ? it is something to aspire towards. And not just from a professional standpoint but also from and educational point of view.

"Kevin is a great example for the youth in Bermuda. What he has done is something our young players can set their sights on ? using their athletic excellence to get a good education and also to play a high standard in college. And then success at college can perhaps lead to a professional career. If not then they always have a degree to fall back on. It is a situation where an individual cannot lose. But it takes a lot of preparation."

Thompson said that he is not totally familiar with Richards' game but "I do know he is at a high standard. He has provided me with videos of his matches so I have an idea of what he can do ? he is certainly a good prospect. The college game is quite intense. It requires a good technical ability and high level of concentration and Kevin has been seeing that on a weekly basis."