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Regiment enlists 330 men who failed to report

A TOTAL of 330 men were enlisted to the Bermuda Regiment in their absence last month after failing to report for their military service.

And now the Regiment intends to publish the names of those who have failed to comply with the law, a Defence Department statement said yesterday.

The Regiment intends to hold a 'late enlistment night' on Monday, January 6, at 6 p.m., to enable those who have failed to show so far to come forward and avoid being hunted down instead.

Of the 330 enlisted in absentia, 269 had been called up in previous years and 61 were called up for the first time in October this year. The Regiment has failed to account for just 15 of those 61.

Some of those called up in past years had consistently failed to show for their medical examination since first being called up as far back as 1993. The Regiment has accounted for 60 of this group of 269.

The statement continued: "The men accounted for in this Regimental operation have been found in various workplaces, at home, at their girlfriends' residences and at the Bermuda International Airport as they were about to board an aircraft."

The Regiment urges any man who has not attended Warwick Camp as required to call the Regiment (238-1045) or the Defence Department (238-2162) during office hours.