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Sad farewell to Vernon

LAST weekend was one of decidedly mixed emotions for members of the island's radio-controlled fraternity.

Buoyed by the positive feedback from being part of a well-attended Sports Exposition that was recently held at the Number One Shed, members of the Bermuda Electric Radio Sports Club were saddened to learn of the death of member Vernon Smith.

Mr. Smith, 50, died suddenly in Boston last week where he was being treated for an illness. Mr. Smith, a long time radio-controlled model enthusiast, was instrumental in forming the West End R/C Boat Club and had joined the BERSC prior to his passing.

Club president Wendell Smith, who was devastated by his fellow member's death, said at the Sunday BERSC event held at the Pembroke Community Club: "Although today is a fun day for the drivers we wanted to dedicate a race in Vernon Smith's memory and when the point series starts in the New Year we will be dedicating an award in his memory.

"Life is short ? sometimes shorter than we would like to think. So we want to do something special so Vernon Smith's memory doesn't just fade away."

Before the start, race members from BERSC made their way to the centre of the track for a team picture and to observe a moment of silence as a sign of remembrance for their missing racing partner.

A veteran model boating enthusiast, Vernon had championed the rights of R/C model boaters who were looking for a race site in the West End, often finding himself at loggerheads with area MPs.

One of his long-term goals was to establish a youth club and breathe some life into the activity scene for the West End's youngsters, especially during the summer months.

"He was a community-spirited man, always thinking up things to do things for the kids," said another BERSC enthusiast who attended last weekend's fun day.

"It is always sad when you lose one of your own. In this instance, though, Vernon's death is an especially tragic loss. He was such a lovely man, such a larger-than-life character, it's difficult to imagine that he is gone.

"Our hearts go out to his family."

The next race day will be held at the PCC skating rink on December 30 starting at 1 p.m. and all onroad modelling enthusiasts and spectators are invited to attend and lend their support to this ever-growing sport.