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Sandys students are in a class of their own!

<I>"STRENGTH for Today and Bright Hope for Tomorrow!"</I>Those words from a well-known hymn best describe the good feeling that came over us while watching the student body of Sandys Secondary Middle School in action on Friday.It was quite a contrast to the depressing sentiments that had been engulfing us the past weeks through the activities of far too many of our young people who have been dominating the police and court news.

"STRENGTH for Today and Bright Hope for Tomorrow!"

Those words from a well-known hymn best describe the good feeling that came over us while watching the student body of Sandys Secondary Middle School in action on Friday.

It was quite a contrast to the depressing sentiments that had been engulfing us the past weeks through the activities of far too many of our young people who have been dominating the police and court news.

The occasion was the school's quarterly Honours Assembly. Naturally, one would expect at a time like that the students would put on their best behaviour if for no other reason than to impress their parents and other VIP visitors in attendance.

But so far as we could determine, there was nothing artificial about either their tenor or deportment. It was refreshing seeing young people not sloppily dressed, moving like they have life in their frames; and speaking up and out with enthusiasm.

The principal of Sandys, Melvin Bassett, said an Honours Assembly is held each quarter with a view to inspiring those students who have made the honour roll and to encourage those who did not, to continue to work harder by incorporating them in the exercise one way or another.

Another important element was to include parents as well as an outstanding young person, to whom the students could relate, as guest speaker. "We selected Jensen Bascome to be the speaker, because in his early twenties, he is a recent university graduate and Bermuda's No. 1 tennis player. Our students are very sports orientated and we felt Jensen would be able to marry the sort and academic prowess," said Mr. Bassett.

Jensen's father, Glen Bascome, the M2 Team Leader at Sandys, introduced Jensen; his sister Arletta is also on the Sandys staff.

STUDENTS make the Honours List according to their academic performance during that particular quarter. Some students have been on the honour roll for both quarters, having gained an overall average of 80 per cent.

"Those who have an average in all the subjects between 80 and 90 are included in the school's honour roll. There are some students who have an even higher average and we have a Principal's List.

"They are students who have demonstrated outstanding scholastic performance and have maintained an average of between 90 and 100 per cent across the board. These are outstanding scholars.

"We have about five students at Sandys who have been on the Principal's List since the beginning of the year, and they have maintained their positions.

"Some were on this quarter for the first time, while others were on last quarter but did not quite make the mark for this quarter. Though on the Honours List they did not make the Principal's List.

"Also there were students who slightly missed the Honour Roll with an average of maybe 79 per cent," explained Mr. Bassett. Those students were given honourable mention, and received a certificate designed to encourage them to strive a little harder.

Another significant event at Sandys Middle School over the weekend was a visit by the Duchess of Gloucester in her capacity as Patron of the Scottish Opera visiting Bermuda last week.

She came to see the students preparing for a performance that evening of all middle school students from across the island. She came to see what progress they had made during the course of the week.

She was well received by students and board of governors and she was extremely impressed with the young people and the facilities at Sandys and their performance. She was accompanied by Governor Sir John Vereker and Lady Vereker.