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Senate debate on pay may be delayed indefinitely ? UBP

SENATORS could delay debating controversial pay increases for MPs indefinitely, according to the Opposition.

The new pay scales ? which will see Premier Alex Scott annual salary package rise a whopping 80 per cent to $200,000 ? were approved in the House of Assembly earlier this month and were scheduled to be debated in the Upper House on Wednesday.

But in a surprise move, Government Senate Leader Larry Mussenden said the legislation would be held over for another week. Sen. Mussenden did not give a reason for the delay, other than to say it would allow for more discussion on the matter. As a result, the session was wrapped up well before lunchtime.

Yesterday Opposition Senate Leader Kim Swan admitted that he was surprised by the non-debate, and added that it could be delayed further while Government "waited for the right opportunity".

"It could be debated next week or it could be carried over again, then again. Sen. Mussenden may even choose not to debate it in this session, it's really his prerogative.

"I am not in a position to twist his arm in any way. But what I do know is that there's a great deal of anticipation about this debate in the public and that's not going to go away, whether we have it next week, the week after, or whenever.

"I know there are some people who have a number of concerns about this, such as the impact it will have on the pension fund. People are watching what we're doing and there's a great deal of interest but also apprehension."

The proposal has provoked some protest in recent weeks, with civil servants and police officers claiming that they should be entitled to similar rises.