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Swan: Govt. giving mixed messages

RIFTS between Cabinet Ministers show that the Government is failing to live up to its obligation of collective responsibility, as laid out in the Bermuda Constitution.

United Bermuda Party (UBP) Senator Kim Swan expressed that view in the Senate this week, referring to the difference of opinion between Ministers David Burch and Randy Horton over the appointment of William White as the Regiment's new Commanding Officer (CO).

Sen. Burch claimed that as Belco chief Garry Madeiros had chaired the selection committee and not a past Regiment CO, the wrong candidate had been chosen. The Works & Engineering and Housing Minister also called for Governor Sir John Vereker to be recalled over the issue.

Labour & Home Affairs Minister Horton backed the appointment, however.

Sen. Swan also pointed to a previous difference of opinion between Progressive Labour Party (PLP) Ministers, in November 2002, when former Tourism Minister Ren?e Webb claimed that she wanted to see Government contracts awarded to "people who look like me".

Premier Alex Scott, who was then Works & Engineering Minister, said "colour is not part of it" and contracts were awarded on merit.

Expanding on his remarks in the Senate, Sen. Swan also contrasted the Premier's glowing words about the hospitality shown to him on his recent whirlwind series of meetings with US leaders in Washington, DC, with remarks fiercely critical of the US made by Education Minister Terry Lister several years ago.

"When the Premier went to Washington, one of the things I hope he did was to apologise for the derogatory remarks his Cabinet Ministers made during the baselands debate," Sen. Swan said.

On the latest rift between Sen. Burch and Mr. Horton, Sen. Swan called for the Premier to make clear which Minister's view he took.

"We have heard comments made by Minister Burch in the public arena questioning the appointment of the new CO of the Regiment and calling for the Governor to be recalled," Sen. Swan said.

"Minister Horton has distanced himself from that view, but who has the Premier's ear? He is remaining silent and showing no leadership."

We e-mailed a question to Premier Scott yesterday, asking whether he supported or opposed Sen. Burch's call for the Governor to be recalled. We received no response by press time.

Sen. Swan said Ministers did not seem to understand that the system of collective responsibility meant such public divisions within the Cabinet were a breach of the Constitution.

"The Premier has got to come out and say 'this Minister was not speaking for the Government', otherwise we don't know what the Government position is," said Sen. Swan.

"The public is getting terribly mixed messages. Would the Cabinet Minister who does speak for the Government please stand up!"