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Tourism gets a welcome fillip from Philbin

FIVE million TV viewers in the US saw show host Regis Philbin give a welcome boost to Bermuda tourism as he waxed lyrical about his vacation here last week.

Mr. Philbin, a long-established talk show host who shot to wider fame as host of paid a glowing tribute to the island on his nationally syndicated show on Monday morning.

For around ten minutes, Mr. Philbin spoke about his trip here with his wife Joy, mentioning visits to the Crystal Caves and Front Street, a spa at the Fairmont Southampton and a tennis match at Elbow Beach.

At one point he held up a photo and said: "Here is Bermuda, the real Bermuda. The sun is shining - it is so clean. It's such a beautiful island."

The boost caps a fine week for the island in the North American media, with complimentary pieces also appearing in and .

Tourism Minister Ren?e Webb said: "This kind of recognition in the North American media is sure to thrust Bermuda to the forefront of the travelling public's mind." The island will feature again on US network TV soon, over the Department of Tourism's use of picture of a Hawaiian beach in its ad campaign.

The five- to ten-minute clip called 'Beaches' was scheduled to air during John Stossel's 'Give Me a Break' segment on the news show last Friday, but was replaced by another news feature at the last minute.

It was the third time the piece had been rescheduled.

It is understood Ms Webb was interviewed for the piece.