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Why Sanders Frith Brown cannot hope to be taken seriously

EIGHT acres of the Petty project were, and still are as far as we know, designated as arable and woodland reserve. This should surely mean that the land has been reserved in perpetuity for the specified use.It therefore cannot be said that developer Kevin Petty gifted this to the people of Bermuda, or that it was ever acceptable for development. Kevin Petty deserves no award, as Sanders Frith Brown says (<I>Mid-Ocean News</I>, January 17). People are generally not rewarded for doing what the law requires. He is no hero.

January 18, 2002

EIGHT acres of the Petty project were, and still are as far as we know, designated as arable and woodland reserve. This should surely mean that the land has been reserved in perpetuity for the specified use.

It therefore cannot be said that developer Kevin Petty gifted this to the people of Bermuda, or that it was ever acceptable for development. Kevin Petty deserves no award, as Sanders Frith Brown says (Mid-Ocean News, January 17). People are generally not rewarded for doing what the law requires. He is no hero.

Neither should Mr. Petty be rewarded for his greed. Even if he were to limit his development to seven houses on the land no longer designated as either arable or woodland reserve it would still be a cluster housing eyesore on such a site.

The addition of 33 condominiums transforms five acres of cluster housing into battery-chicken-living-space for sub-humans.

I would like to know, as Mr. Frith Brown takes such exception to the well-meaning amateurs and the lack of expertise among members of the National Trust, just what qualification, if any, entitles him to give an opinion on quality development.

Being a building designer may or may not mean he has an architectural qualification. He has obviously gone into some sort of accountancy, if only to be able to assess the worth of the Petty project at a prior-to-development worth of $13 million that is threatening to turn into a mere pig-in-a-poke of $5 million with which to play.

My recollection is that Mr. Frith Brown championed and supported Arthur Hodgson in his fight for sustainable development. This would ensure that development proceeded in such a manner that it does not overwhelm what remains of Bermuda's environment or its infrastructure. The needs of the community would be balanced and served. Mr. Frith Brown has made a complete reversal from this stance and now stresses that priority should be put on whatever the developers needs or wishes may be.

Mr. Frith Brown cannot hope to be taken seriously. There was a great story among the old-timers of Bermuda that allowed as how in the 1930s St. Brendan's would give a five-shilling reward to any member of the public who turned in a lunatic wandering abroad. Wonder if I can still collect it if I phone up and give them Frith Brown's name.



@TIMES-18:He's a BOOBY

January 19, 2003

BY sounding off against the NIMBY (Not In My Back Yard) concept (Mid-Ocean News, January 17), Mr. Sanders Frith Brown is instantly recognisable as a BOOBY.

Two dictionary definitions are offered, either a silly, childish person or - take your choice a small gannet. But perhaps a "Bothersome Old Opinionated Bombastic Yapper" would be more appropriate.



@TIMES-18:Let's finish the destruction

January 19, 2003

SANDY FRITH BROWN FOR PREMIER! Let's complete the destruction this current Government has begun by harnessing Mr. Frith Brown's obvious political savvy, oratorical skills (that speak for themselves), and his sensitive (though amateur) architectural skills to create in Bermuda the modern day Xanadu of concrete and dust.


City of Hamilton

@TIMES-18:Not a word of truth

January 17, 2003

SO good to learn, beyond all previous doubt, that there is absolutely not a word of truth in anything Mr. Sanders Frith Brown says, with the exception of "And" or "But".



@TIMES-18:Donate your property!

January 21, 2003

PERHAPS Mr. Frith Brown should have the courage of his convictions for once, and donate his property for the development of a new road, an industrial park and an accompanying industrial waste site.

Bermuda needs this, and his property was certainly big enough before he made the odd buck by selling off acreage to a multi-millionaire movie star neighbour.


City of Hamilton

@TIMES-18:Twin headliners

January 17, 2003

HAVING just read today's edition of the Mid-Ocean News,I've decided that whatever tiny corner of hell is reserved for Bermudian sinners probably resembles a cramped, fourth-rate comedy club filled with sulphurous smoke where the captive audience listens to the leaden monologues of twin headliners Alvin Williams and Sanders Frith Brown (pictured) - for eternity.


City of Hamilton

@TIMES-18:Tell the real man

January 19, 2003

A SADLY misinformed and raving man seems to be posing as Sandy Frith Brown in order to give interviews to the Press.

Perhaps someone would be good enough to tell the real Mr. Frith Brown about this.

