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?A blemish on Bermuda?

Your editorial in today?s daily should be a wake-up call for all Bermudians who are afraid to speak up. It is, without a doubt, a reminder of the rise of the Third Reich and the resulting catastrophe of World War II. You will recall the story about those who didn?t speak up and in the end there was no one to speak for them. An appalling thought, but we do have many Bermudians who do not realize the consequences of power gone wrong.

A wake-up call for us!

February 19, 2007

Dear Sir,

Your editorial in today?s daily should be a wake-up call for all Bermudians who are afraid to speak up. It is, without a doubt, a reminder of the rise of the Third Reich and the resulting catastrophe of World War II. You will recall the story about those who didn?t speak up and in the end there was no one to speak for them. An appalling thought, but we do have many Bermudians who do not realize the consequences of power gone wrong.

The alarm bells should send a message to those who think George Scott verbally attacking the foreigner was an isolated incident. This type of behaviour could in time be directed at Bermudians, once all the foreigners have been kicked off the island or left of their own accord.

There is an important thing to remember in good governance: ?Who guards the guardians?? And let?s not forget, who audits the auditor? You will recall ?they? don?t like to be shown the glowing mismanagement of public funds. Don?t forget Larry Dennis was pushed into some back room for his candid opinions.

The latest incident reeks of that ?wounded ego? thing that I?ve been talking about. If the verdict for expulsion is declared it will be a blemish on Bermuda?s freedom of speech.

Parting words of comfort

February 19, 20007

Dear Sir,

As Curtis Macleod bids a somewhat premature adieu to Bermuda, he might take solace in the words of another Canadian, Pierre Trudeau, who once remarked that MPs were ?just nobodies? once they found themselves fifty yards from Parliament Hill. On the other hand, Trudeau was referring at the time to Opposition and not Government MPs.


Goodbye freedom

February 16, 2007

Dear Sir,

An expat has an argument with a Bermudian and is therefore kicked off the Island? So much for freedom of speech. Last time I checked, Bermuda wasn?t a communist country.

Petty political tyranny

February 17, 2007

Dear Sir,

My wife and I made our first visit to Bermuda in 2004. It was a trip that we had looked forward to for several years and Bermuda did not fail to live up to our expectations. The open and friendly reception that we received from everyone we met both Bermudians and not, was a refreshing experience.

We have kept up with the goings-on in Bermuda since our visit through regular on-line reading of the . The apparent rise in drug related violent crime has been a bit of a concern but would not prevent us from planning our next visit to Bermuda.

The article that I have just read concerning the forced removal of Canadian Mr. Curtis MacLeod from Bermuda through the revocation of his work permit is extremely troubling to me. Even if all that was said by the parties involved was true, it would not justify the exercise of influence that has apparently be made by MP Mr. George Scott. I find it appalling that Mr. Scott appears to have used his political influence in order to settle a personal affront. As a Canadian I am doubly appalled. It is my hope that such blatant interference has not become the norm in Bermuda?s political life. This type of petty political tyranny gives me pause to consider any future return visit to Bermuda.

Respect is earned

February 18, 2007

Dear Sir,

I?ve just finished reading the article re: George Scott and Curtis Macleod. Maybe there is some truth behind Mr Macleod?s supposed comments accusing Mr Scott of being uneducated. Anyone with any education would know that an MP in any country (democratic at least) leaves themselves open to disrespect. Anyone with an education would realise that in putting themselves forward as a candidate that they leave themselves open to disrespect and ridicule.

To expect respect solely based on one?s position is na?ve at best. If Mr Scott expects respect maybe he should do it in the tried and tested old fashioned way ? earn it. To throw your toys out of the pram is neither big nor clever.