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'Big Belly Skyjuice' draws big crowds as he selects us again

IT has been more than a quarter of a century and Skyjuice shows no sign of slowing down.After a sold-out performance at the Crawl Club and the Somerset Cricket Club last Friday and Saturday nights respectively, "Big Belly Skyjuice", as his fans know him, is on top of his game.

IT has been more than a quarter of a century and Skyjuice shows no sign of slowing down.

After a sold-out performance at the Crawl Club and the Somerset Cricket Club last Friday and Saturday nights respectively, "Big Belly Skyjuice", as his fans know him, is on top of his game.

"I love Bermuda and this is my fourth time here. I'm always touring and the only time I'm home is for special events like my birthday or other big events in Jamaica," he exclaimed.

During his whistle-stop visit, the veteran selector 'juggled' alongside sons of the soil After Dark on Friday and Magnum the following night.

Magnum's co-manager Kuane Smith hailed the event a resounding success and added: "The people weren't disappointed and we managed to appeal to the large cross-section of attendees on both nights. From the younger partygoers to the more mature crowd, everyone was happy and the feedback was most positive."

Touring hasn't jaded Metro Media's veteran selector, who has performed in venues ranging from 250 to 25,000.

"When I first started (performing) I was making ten (Jamaican) dollars a night, but I loved reggae music and have been doing it for 25 years now," he added.

When asked how he managed to carve his niche in dancehall, Skyjuice wasn't at a loss for words.

"I used to be a good dancer when I first started out and as time went on I started to play when it used to be just one turntable.

"Sometimes I still play with one turntable or like today with two turntables and I even use CDs. I change with the times since time doesn't stand still."

He predicted reggae will go further than its present course and chuckled and said dancehall was going far and reggae "is even taking over BET"!

Then the selector of one of the founders of the dancehall sound went into a second round of kudos for his fellow artistes.

"I like Firelinks, Tony Matterhorn and those that play good music. For those who want to get into the business as a selector you must play good, conscious music!"

Dancehall has often been described as the rambunctious spawn of reggae, but Skyjuice's quest to show the lighter, uplifting sound of dancehall/reggae was not in vain.

"I like to approach it (the music) clean. Everywhere I go the people love Skyjuice, the girls love me when I take off my shirt and know me as the 'Big Belly Skyjuice'," he said with a laugh.

He added if his children decided to embark upon a career in dancehall he would wholeheartedly support them.

"It's honest money," he declared.

When taking a break from the rigours of a gruelling tour schedule, Skyjuice proves he has an athletic side.

"When I'm not on the road I play football and basketball. I love football and I play dominoes as well. Those two sports help to keep me fit."