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Built to last?

I see by today's <I>Royal Gazette </I>that 100 homes are to be built and not like normal Bermudian homes.Well, if they are the US style homes that are panels of wood nailed together, then when the next high winds or hurricanes hit you can say goodbye to them.

May 27, 2005

Dear Sir,

I see by today's Royal Gazette that 100 homes are to be built and not like normal Bermudian homes.

Well, if they are the US style homes that are panels of wood nailed together, then when the next high winds or hurricanes hit you can say goodbye to them.

They won't stand up to what you've just been through. They will be blown away just like they are in the States.

They may look good, but they are what we call 'ferry built'.



Trimingham's ploy

June 1, 2004

Dear Sir,

Mr. Trimingham's ploy to increase by ten-fold the number of visitors to the Bermuda National Gallery doesn't fool the SLP. His apparently uninformed, unbalanced, witless tirade against the BNG was actually a masterpiece of understatement, overstatement and outright baiting designed expressly to draw the somnolent and otherwise indifferent into visiting the Biennial.

Only to the uninitiated does his "send up" piece appear to be a truly staggering display of small-mindedness. On deeper analysis it becomes a brilliantly designed and flawlessly executed sleight-of-hand, crafted to give even the most complacent Southampton socialite pause and release a soft flutter, a brief frisson of excitement in her otherwise soft, quiescent breast. "Art," she blinks, and so bestirs herself to Hamilton to see the fuss.

Furthermore, he has told us exactly what boring art is not in the Biennial, and who thinks their work is beyond comment and analysis, and so saved us from the misapprehension of thinking the Biennial as yet another tiresome showcase of ego. Mr. Trimingham laments their absence loudly, effectively skewering them for not having the wit or humility to submit to an unbiased jury from abroad.

Mr. Trimingham is neither the pompous anachronism nor the merchant anti-Christ he'd like to most people to think, but is rather the sort of scribe with anarchistic tendencies one usually finds in small border towns with lots of defensive people in them. As an agent-in-place of the Bermuda National Gallery, he has done rather well.


Hill a true champion

June 6, 2004

Dear Sir,

The UBP did not roll out the carpet for Mr. Hill when he represented Bermuda proudly and won that bronze medal years ago. And now in the year 2004 the PLP has pulled the carpet out from under Mr. Clarence Hill!

Did someone say: Mr. Clarence Hill should be a "PRESENT DAY ROLE MODEL TO QUALIFY?"

Dear Mr. Hill, you are a "role model from the past to the present moment!"

When you rolled up your fist, worked hard, had the confidence to represent Bermuda and won the bronze medal ... you were a role model.

When you had a roller-coaster ride with the law, you were showing to us [that even "role models" could be weak and fall, fall hard and pay a high price!

Now, Mr. Hill, you are a "role model" in showing to us [that you have been uplifted and getting stronger by making that positive spiritual step!

Your Creator made you and if you allow him, plus use all your knowledge and common sense He has blessed you with, you will be a "top role model" to remember!


Hamilton Parish

Hate crimes

June 17, 2004

Dear Sir,

I am astounded to read that the thugs that attacked another 15 year old are considered children in the eyes of the law. Crimes involving sexuality should always be considered adult crimes and the penalties should reflect so.

The thugs possessed black masks and used a lethal weapon to attack, unprovoked. This is not something that is in the nature of human beings but taught. Only when people are mature enough to understand what homosexuality is can they learn to hate others of that nature. These thugs knew exactly what they were doing: attempting to murder a peer who they labelled as a homosexual. This is the ugliest of hate crimes. Bermudians should realise that this is no different than a racial hate crime. The fact that the thugs possessed masks shows that this attack was premeditated. There is no excuse for this behaviour.

Magistrate Tyrone Chin was quoted as stating, "I do not think he understands the seriousness of this". I am asking the Magistrate to make this young adult and any others that provoke hate crimes understand the seriousness of hate. Please treat this as an adult crime with adult penalties to show that the citizens and residents of this beautiful island nation will not perpetuate hate and hate crimes.



Treated with disrespect

May 30, 2004

Dear Sir,

I felt compelled to write this letter to you about a matter involving Bermuda's Finest. An incident occurred just a short while ago, where I was treated with such disrespect by a Police officer.

When we are approached by officers of the law, we should expect and receive nothing less than respect. In my case the officer shouted at me, tried to intimidate me and showed a lack of sensitivity. No one is above the law and the law should be the first to recognise that.

I understand that their role is to uphold the law and may not always be pleasant. However, their approach should be one of respect and sensitivity which is one avenue toward improving relations between the public and the Police Service.

