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Change the speed limit

Everybody speeds in Bermuda. Everybody. Black and white. Local and expat. Young and old. Police and criminals. Teachers and students. Rich and poor. Sane people and politicians. Christian fundamentalists and Harry Potter readers. Even magistrates. Everybody.Why? Are we a nation of crazed speedaholics? No. It is because having the same standard speed limit of 35 kph for all portions of Bermuda's 300-plus miles of road is ridiculous, and everybody knows this. The same speed limit for Harbour Road and Middle Road? The same speed limit for Happy Valley and East Broadway? Ridiculous.

December 13, 2001

Dear Sir,

Everybody speeds in Bermuda. Everybody. Black and white. Local and expat. Young and old. Police and criminals. Teachers and students. Rich and poor. Sane people and politicians. Christian fundamentalists and Harry Potter readers. Even magistrates. Everybody.

Why? Are we a nation of crazed speedaholics? No. It is because having the same standard speed limit of 35 kph for all portions of Bermuda's 300-plus miles of road is ridiculous, and everybody knows this. The same speed limit for Harbour Road and Middle Road? The same speed limit for Happy Valley and East Broadway? Ridiculous.

The powers-that-be know this too, which is why no one is ever booked travelling less than 40 kph, or is it 45 kph, 50 kph? The first thing you learn about driving in Bermuda is that the speed limit is 35 kph. The second thing you learn is that you can go faster than this. But how much faster? This ridiculous confusion results in most people travelling at a speed that they feel is safe and/or will slip under the radar.

Someone needs to look at the roads. Raise the limit where reasonable, lower it where necessary. Enforce the posted speed limit. Stop forcing Bermudians to decide whether to crawl along straight and wide roadways or take the chance at travelling at a self-established rate.

