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Doggone it! Will 'canine ambassador' work in Bermuda?

IS Bermuda’s most esteemed hotel about to get its own “canine ambassador” or is this just a shaggy dog story?If Jonathan Crellin, new general manager of the Fairmont Hamilton Princess, decides to implement an idea that proved successful at his previous posting, then man’s best friend could indeed be greeting guests at the “Pink Palace”.

Mr. Crellin started work at the Princess this week after working ten years in various capacities at the Fairmont Copley Plaza in Boston, where he introduced black labrador Catie Copley as the hotel’s “canine ambassador”.

“Guests could sign up to take her for a walk,” Mr. Crellin said. “She’s very popular and has attracted a lot of attention from the media. CNN and the Associated Press sent her story around the world.

“Maybe a ‘canine ambassador’ would work here. But before implementing any changes like that, I would have to talk with staff and guests and see if it’s something that would fit well with the Princess.”

Catie trained to be a guide dog for the blind but needed a “career change” when she developed cataracts. The dog has her own business cards, an e-mail address and sends care packages to other dogs staying at the hotel. See the full interview with the Mr. Crellin in Q.&A. on Page 4