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Driven to distraction

I just want to answer critics to my personal opinion that I expressed in your valued newspaper some days ago in regards to wearing of seatbelts while driving on our roads. I do wear my seatbelt at all times while I'm driving, as I believe in upholding the law.

Driven to distraction

January 31, 2003

Dear Sir,

I just want to answer critics to my personal opinion that I expressed in your valued newspaper some days ago in regards to wearing of seatbelts while driving on our roads. I do wear my seatbelt at all times while I'm driving, as I believe in upholding the law.

Firstly, I don't drive between 50 to 55kph; I drive between 35 to 40kph except when I go to the Town of St. George's and then as soon as I reach the sign that says 25kph. I slow down to that speed, while others are itching to go by me.

Secondly, I drive between four to five car lengths behind the vehicle in front of me and I am very watchful to the vehicle in front of me if they should have to stop suddenly because of a child, a dog, a cat, a chicken or even another vehicle in front of them.

I also use the Ten- Two stance of holding the steering wheel, as this was the way I was taught when I worked for the US Navy in Bermuda and also it's the way I used to drive Police cars in Bermuda when I was in the Reserve Constabulary.

I notice when I'm driving, I do have one “hell-of-a-lot” of company behind me, and when some of these vehicles overtake me they call out to me with these remarks “Can't you drive”, “What kind of license do you have?”, “For Christ sakes, drive that car?”, and one person even said to me “Drive that f***ing car!”

And I do not use my cellular telephone at all when I'm driving. If it should ring while I'm driving I pull over to the safest part of the road and park before using it. My observations with people having accidents is because they don't drive with caution, it's inattention, careless or dangerous driving or using their cellular phones, drinking their morning coffee or reading their newspaper while driving and some people have their children on the drivers lap while driving, I have witnessed these things.

I have received a twenty year safe driving award from the then Transport Control Board for driving heavy trucks, buses and tractor trailers while working for the US Navy here in Bermuda. Finally, I have never had to claim against insurance for any accidents with any vehicles in Bermuda and I have been driving for some fifty-six years.


Bailey's Bay