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Dwayne's in a spin

Are the Bermuda Police Service and Transport Control Department riding in tandem when it comes to the issue of road safety? Hester thinks perhaps not, judging by a recent incident.

When contacted by a Royal Gazette hack to give her views on a new-model moped fitted with a cell phone receiver which flashes for incoming calls, TCD acting director Roxanne Christopher stepped on the gas and tore into the vehicle.

Branding the bike a road hazard which would perpetuate the problem of people talking while riding, Ms Christopher went on: "We are aggressively trying to educate people to be safe drivers and this clearly goes against that."

But the response from Police media man Dwayne Caines was somewhat different when contacted by the same reporter for a Police quote on the matter. In fact Dwayne wasn't able to offer up much of an opinion at all - he was far too busy trying to dodge around traffic on his moped while answering the media inquiry on his mobile phone!

Transport Minister Dr. Ewart Brown was also contacted on the same issue - and gave his response from the comfort of his ministerial car which he happened to be driving at the time.

It was with some relief that Hester later learned that Dr. B was in fact using a hands-free telephone. The perks of being a Minister eh?


Still on the subject of transport, Hester's jaw dropped when she read the comments of Bermuda Taxi Association spokesman Lee Tucker in The Daily last week.

Defending the Island's cabbies, Mr. Tucker said: "Is it reasonable to expect, if I am driving looking for a place I might not find and a person puts their hand up, that I bypass that person? A bird in the hand is worth six in the bush."

Frequently frustrated customers of cabbies - might like to read how Hester was able to exact her own revenge on Mr. Tucker and his ilk just a few days after Mr. Tucker made his comments.

Having spent a gruelling night on the tiles, your columnist was forced to leave her own two wheels in town one night and got a lift home instead.

The next morning, needing to get back into Hamilton, Hester put in a call to her local cab firm, walked down to the agreed rendezvous point on South Shore, and waited...and waited...and waited.

So when one of our splendid pink and blue buses appeared on the horizon, Hester - although bleary of eye and groggy of head - didn't hesitate in taking Mr. Tucker's advice to heart, putting out her hand, and thankfully stepping aboard. She only hopes that the driver who was meant to have picked her up didn't have a fruitless journey.

Mr. Tucker may think that a bird in the hand is worth six in the bush, but does he also know that what's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander?


Royal Gazette photographer David Skinner is earning a reputation in the office as a super sleuth. Due to Mr. Skinner's quick thinking Police were able to nab a possible thief right in the main lobby of the newspaper building last week.

The detective work began after a motorcycle belonging to one of the staff photographers was stolen from the front of the building on Par La Ville Road earlier last month. The brand new bike also contained $10,000 worth of camera equipment.

The company mourned the loss of the equipment until last Wednesday afternoon when a man came to the offices and spoke with Mr. Skinner, saying that he knew where the camera was but wanted $150 to reveal its location.

Mr. Skinner agreed but being clever, told the man to give him an hour to get the money. He also told him that he would want to inspect the equipment.

But when the man left Mr. Skinner called Police and a small sting operation was arranged.

The man returned to the office with the camera equipment but when he reached out to receive the money, Police were on hand and arrested and cuffed him.

The suspect was taken to Hamilton Police Station and Police say enquiries are continuing.