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Editorial: So others may live

The tragic and mysterious death of Staff Sgt. Doug Eccleston, the US Air Force Reserve parajumper who drowned on Friday night, should be a reminder to Bermuda that we cannot take things for granted.

Bermuda has had the services of the US Air Force Reserve, the US Coast Guard and other rescue services for several years for search and rescue operations off the Island.

This service means that ships and yachts in distress, sick crewman and others incidents are dealt with professionally and effectively with very little expense to Bermuda.

It is only when a tragedy like Friday night's - when Staff Sgt. Eccleston apparently drowned when his inflatable overturned as it was being lowered from a tanker - occurs that we are reminded that this is risky and dangerous work.

The fact that Sgt. Eccleston's death occurred in relatively calm waters after the transfer of the sick seaman the parajumpers were treating had actually taken place does not take away from the risks.

Staff Sgt. Eccleston told his wife Stacie before departing on his last mission: "I'm going on a mission. There's a guy dying out there and I'm going to save him Stac, and I love you, I love you, I love you. I'll see you soon'."

The parajumpers' motto is to serve so "that others may live".

Staff Sgt. Eccleston made the ultimate sacrifice in fulfilling that motto.

The Bermuda authorities owe it to the memory of Staff Sgt. Eccleston to ensure that the investigation into his death is conducted fully and need to ensure that the risk of accidents of this kind is reduced.