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Essay competition celebrates mathematics

The Bermuda Council of Teachers of Mathematics hosted their first Mathematics Essay Competition in April to celebrate Mathematics Month. Through this event the organisation's aim was to heighten awareness of the importance of mathematics education in the community and its benefits to all students.

This year's topics were "What Would My World Be Without Numbers?" for the Primary level and "Math - Who Needs It?" for the Middle and Senior School levels. Almost 300 entries were received from public and private schools and a panel of nine judges from the community determined the top three winners from each level.

Senior School

First place: Makai Trott - Berkeley Institute

Second place: Andrew Stoneham - Berkeley Institute

Third place: Nicola Arnold - Mount Saint Agnes Academy

Middle School

First place: Megan Marshall - Mount Saint Agnes Academy

Second place: Theresia Hinton - Somersfield Academy

Third place: Chamie Smith - Warwick Academy

Primary School

First place: Chikira Smith - Elliott Primary School

Second place: Caleb Estis - Harrington Sound Primary School

Third place: Rayshun Evans - Harrington Sound Primary School

At a recent awards ceremony, held at CedarBridge Academy, the winners were joined by their parents and family, principals and teachers to celebrate their success.