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Give the youth a chance

The noisy protestations of Education Minister about there not being any good press for a National Honour Society induction at CedarBridge sounded dubious to Hector's ears.

All media, including this newspaper, covered the event on January 9, although they stopped short of naming all 45 scholars.

In a recent broadcast, Mr. Lister gave the impression the media purposefully left out the names of those he read out, however, he too only read about a half-dozen names, completely ignoring the other 39.

Hector recalls none of the children speaking at the event in January.

But Mr. Lister spoke, as did CedarBridge Principal and several other teachers.

There was even an incredibly awkward candle-lighting ceremony where the teachers tried not to set a table on fire, while students at the Ruth Seaton James auditorium laughed aloud and the 45 students on stage looked like they wanted to crawl under their seats.

Perhaps Mr. Lister et al should try and get out of the limelight and give the students he talks about caring so much for a real chance to shine and not blame the media for covering events for what they are worth.


But if Mr. Lister doesn't want to leave it to the media to tell the truth about the island's education system, how about we leave it to his party colleagues? Sound fair? Maybe leave it to for example. I don't think in this case the Opposition will be complaining. You could really "feel the love" as the tourism marketing bods like to call it on Monday, when she let rip in the House of Assembly on Monday night.

The waves of affection emanating from the Opposition side of the House towards the former Cabinet Minister were enough to warm the cockles of even Hector's hardbitten heart.

As the former Cabinet Minister ranted and raved about Bermuda's mediocre teachers and failing school system, Shadow Education Minister positively beamed, punctuating her address with shouts of encouragement.

Shadow Race Relations Minister declared that "every word, every sentence of every paragraph of that honourable member's presentation was right and correct".

Shadow Health Minister went even further. It was "brilliant" she declared. "I hung on every word."

The joy with which Ms Webb's words were greeted on the UBP side was in marked contrast to her colleagues on the Government benches.

It is fair to say that Mr. Lister's expression was somewhat pinched throughout the lengthy diatribe.

Perhaps we now know who Wayne Furbert was referring to when he said he had someone in mind to stick in his first Cabinet should the UBP ever get back in again.


Hector wasn't so much "feeling the love" as feeling the embarrassment when he saw the Washington Post was praising Bermuda as being a good spot to be free of spring-breakers. Time was when the this island was a happening place which the young flocked to for real "pop and sizzle". Now the only Pop Bermuda has is as the Mom and Pop variety, likely accompanying Granny and Gramps for a sedate toddle around the golf courses before retiring for an early night.

And to make matters worse Bermuda's mortal business rival ? the Caymans ? is now also going after the mature traveller. Is there nothing they don't want to steal from us? You are quite welcome to have our traffic ? and you can take most of our politicians too.


Hector knows what leaving gift to present Home Affairs Minister when he finally hangs up is political hat ? the clock in the House of Assembly sessions chamber.

So taken was Mr. Horton by the time-piece that he could hardly avert his eyes from it as he "filibustered" for two and half hours last Friday during the tourism budget.

There was a quiet desperation in his constant clock-watching as he managed to spin out the morning with nothing more than three pages of goggle-de-gook budget figures to work from, while actual Tourism Minister was relaxing on a flight back to Bermuda.

Mr. Horton was put in the frame to "fill in" for the missing Minister and keep things going until the lunchtime break so Mr. Brown would still have the floor of the House to continue the presentation when he arrived fresh in the afternoon.

Had Mr. Horton failed the Opposition would have taken control of the debate.

He needn't have worried as his political heroics seemed to be enjoying his discomfiture too much and joined in to help him stretch out the allotted time as it became apparent his far from succinct "closing" thoughts were set to continue for at least 30 minutes.

Checking the clock for possibly the 143rd time he started running through the different careers on offer at hotels and was encouraged to "list them all" by the UBP's

Hector wonders if the reason Mr. Brown missed the morning session had more to do with the dog's dinner that had been made of the budget figures ? both in the original estimates and follow up "correction" sheets ? which Mr. Horton had to wade through without a clue why things weren't adding up.