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Hey presto! Marshall's tricks are a real treat

ISLAND Boy Magic is set to host its Second Annual Charity Magic Extravaganza next weekend at Hamilton's City Hall Theatre.

Spectators will be treated to a two-hour performance of magic, fun and comedy starring three local magicians in addition to two popular artists from the United States.

Local artists - Marshall of Magic, Mr. Slick and juniour magician turned juggler David Bean - are set to perform alongside foreign acts Sylvester the Jester - "the real live cartoon" from Bellflower, California, and Alex the King of Jesters, a court jester from Boston, Massachussetts.

"The audience will be in for a real treat," said the event's creator, organiser and Marshall of Magic magician Marshall Weller. "The local acts have some really good stuff in store for them. David Bean, for example, will be juggling diabolo, which is something that I don't think many Bermudians have seen. So we are really trying to showcase David's juggling act."

While the magic show was first staged in 1996 and has since been an annual event, the nature of the production changed last year to become more of an annual charity magic extravaganza, according to Mr. Weller.

"We wanted to focus on giving more to the community," he said. "Obviously we need to pay the artists and all the bills, but we also wanted to give something back. Part of the proceeds of the show always went to charity, but now we have the show in aid of The Council Partners Charitable Trust."

He added: "What they (the Council) do for the community is amazing so we thought that it would be a good partnership to do something with them."

In keeping with the spirit of community giving, Mr. Weller appealed to corporate sponsors this year to buy tickets that could then be distributed to local schools and handed out to students who bring in canned goods for distribution to appropriate charities.

"It's a win-win situation in that we get food out there to the charitable organisations in need and kids get a great magic show to boot," he said.

The 34-year-old Bermuda Electric Light Company inspector, who has been practising magic since he was eight, started performing for children at the age of 14. By the time he reached 21, he realised that Bermuda was missing the magic of live performances and the idea for an annual magic show was conceived.

The self-taught magician also wanted to elevate the art form and take it to another level.

"Most magicians on the island were doing kid's shows. My aim was to get some exposure at a higher level where magic could be performed for private and corporate functions as well as in the hotels. And I thought this (magic show) would be the best format to showcase it," he said.

Next week's magic shows will be different than in previous years since many of the earlier shows were based on traditional magic acts. And according to Mr. Weller, this year's two new acts are far from the norm.

"They can still come under the heading of magic. But they are not traditional at all," he said.

"Alex the King of Jesters acts like a typical court jester with lots of antics, crazy stunts and comedy. And Sylvester the Jester's performance is more akin to how Jim Carrey performed in the film The Mask, as opposed to traditional stage magician performances," said Mr. Weller. "What Jim Carrey did on film, this gentleman will do live on stage, no camera tricks and no funny stuff."

The magic extravaganza is billed as a family show and will appeal to both children and adults. Said Mr. Weller: "Kids will love what they see because it is so visual especially with the two jesters. And there is something for everyone in the show."

Sponsored by Belco, Commercial Risk and Max Re, the event will feature five magic shows running from Friday, November 8 until Sunday, November 10.

Tickets for the Island Boy Magic Second Annual Charity Magic Extravaganza are $15 and available at The Children's Book Store on Bermudiana Road, The Edge Men's Clothing Store in Washington Mall and at the Council Partners Charitable Trust.

For general information on the Magic Extravaganza, please call Island Boy Magic at 291-1701.