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Housing report

Auditor General Larry Dennis was correct not to make the full report of his investigation into the Housing Corporation public given that parts of the reports are now the subject of a criminal investigation.

It would be wrong if the investigation and any consequential prosecution was jeopardised if the actions of those under suspicion was made public beforehand.

But it is a matter for concern if that decision is used as an excuse for inaction on any other procedural and accounting control problems that Mr. Dennis may have uncovered during his investigation.

Those kinds of problems need to be resolved quickly, and Mr. Dennis should go back to the Housing Corporation to ensure that the proper safeguards have been out in place. He can then certify to the House of Assembly that he is satisfied that his concerns have been met.

This does not mean that the report should not be released. It must be. As soon as any prosecutions are complete - or the decision not to pursue prosecutions is taken - the report must be provided to the House of Assembly and debated.

This Government has a reprehensible record of burying reports; this must not happen in this case.