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I am very impressed with Wales

"THERE were mixed fortunes for a number of teams in the latest European Championships qualifiers over the past week.

I was very impressed with Wales - they lead their group and have not lost once in the last seven games. It was definitely an upset for them to beat Italy 2-1 but fair play to them. This could be the time Wales qualify for a major championship and show what they are made of. They have some very good players in (Ryan) Giggs and (Craig) Bellamy and also the manager Mark (Sparky) Hughes seems to have the players really together - he seems to be doing a good job. It just goes to show that when you have a bunch of guys together who are committed they are going to be competitive. Wales have always had decent players but this could be the time they really do something. Hughes has done a fantastic job - you have to give him credit. Everyone seems to get along - there seems to be a lot of harmony in the side. Hughes was a very good and determined player and he seems determined as a manager.

I feel England did not take their chances against Macedonia who they drew 2-2. I don't think the English players took Macedonia lightly but results like this happen in soccer. In soccer today you must not be surprised - anyone can beat anyone on a given day. That is how it is - there are not that many dominant teams nowadays. It is whoever comes the best prepared.

However I feel that if England took the chances given them then they would have won the game handsomely. As far as people criticising 'keeper (David) Seaman, I think he really didn't have much of a chance. Most goalkeepers would have been beaten by that ball. People talk about the age factor and use that against Seaman. I don't agree with that.

(Davd) Beckham and Steven Gerrard's goals were both well taken. I would like to see more people have the confidence to take goals like the one Beckham took. I have seen many players in that situation but not have the composure to chip the keeper like Beckham did. They usually blast it over.

It is a pity that Alan Smith got himself sent off but like I have said before, he has to control his emotions.

Scotland's 2-0 win over Iceland last Saturday and the 3-1 win in the friendly over Canada will help them - it is two wins on the trot. Scotland have to be patient and they are using a lot of young players - it is something they will improve upon - they are getting better. You have to make things happen. I understand Scotland will be setting up a number of friendlies and that is how you are going to get better. You are not going to improve sitting on your laurels.

It was also a good result for Switzerland beating Ireland 2-1. And I even think that Irish manager (Mick) McCarthy knows himself that he could be in trouble and could be fired. In this business you are judged by your results and if you do not get results you can expect to be fired. All managers undertand that.



There were a lot of racist comments thrown at the black English players like Heskey when England played Slovakia last Saturday. Unfortunately racism has been around for a long time in football. I was certainly targetted in England when I played for West Ham.

You just have to be bold enough to block it out - if you let it interfere with you, you are going to get in trouble. It will put you off your game - you just have to get on with it. If the people are going to be that stupid then just stick the ball in the net. Also you have to bear in mind that in that part of the world (Slovakia) there are all sorts of problems. People are angry and you have to take that into consideration. But UEFA and FIFA do have to sort it out. Perhaps they have to say to those countries that have racial abuse that they will not be allowed to play in their stadiums or will be forced to play in an empty stadium or simply not be allowed to play at home. It is high time it is stopped.




We in Bermuda definitley need to have more soccer. People say there is too much soccer being played but I do not think so. I think everytime we have a holiday there should be soccer tournaments.

That is how you are going to get better - you have to find ways of getting people playing. Many people say we in Bermuda are amateurs - I don't even call it that - I think we play recreational soccer. That's all we are playing here.

For the kids to play at the stadium (during last weekend's youth tournament) on that surface is great for them. You need good pitches to improve your skills. It is great for them to play up there on the carpet. The first time I played there I was about 14 years old and it was a real thrill. I would like to see more of those tournaments.