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Slowly but surely, things are starting to go right in education.For the past two weeks, The Royal Gazette has been publishing stories based on an interview with Minister Paula Cox on some of the new initiatives underway in public schools.And much of the news is good. Bringing in GCSEs will enable public schools to be measured against most private schools and against overseas schools. It will also give employers a better benchmark than the current leaving certificate.

Slowly but surely, things are starting to go right in education.

For the past two weeks, The Royal Gazette has been publishing stories based on an interview with Minister Paula Cox on some of the new initiatives underway in public schools.

And much of the news is good. Bringing in GCSEs will enable public schools to be measured against most private schools and against overseas schools. It will also give employers a better benchmark than the current leaving certificate.

Efforts to retain and recruit teachers should also pay off. In addition to the seven percent pay rise they are being offered, the Education Ministry is also looking at seconding teachers to private businesses to give them a clearer idea of what employers are looking for in school leavers.

Licensing will also establish clear standards for teachers. That does not mean that everything is perfect in education.

Testing scores continue to lag behind US averages although they have shown signs of improvement.

And discipline still needs to be improved, although there are fewer reports of serious incidents than there have been in the past.

But making schools and teachers more accountable is key to the success of the education system and the efforts to restore public confidence.

Doing so requires that all schools have the same high quality facilities and teachers, and it also requires giving principals the responsibility and accountability to improve performance within each school. To achieve that goal, teachers and parents have to play their part as well, by supporting the general goals of improving literacy and numeracy and being a true part of the school community.

Teachers who seek respect from the community need to earn it by ensuring that the children in their care are enthused about learning and understand the value of education.

Parents have the same responsibility and the added one of getting involved in the lives of their children by joining their PTAs, ensuring their children are prepared for school, attending parent-teacher meetings and being good role models to their children.Then Bermuda will have a public school system of which it can be proud.