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Inquiry into BHC

The governor needs to appoint a commission of inquiry to investigate the whole sordid BHC mess right up to present day. Bermuda's voters are not nearly as unsophisticated as foreign office types and local politicians seem to think. Some of the questions that need to be answered are:

July 23, 2003

Dear Sir,

The governor needs to appoint a commission of inquiry to investigate the whole sordid BHC mess right up to present day. Bermuda's voters are not nearly as unsophisticated as foreign office types and local politicians seem to think. Some of the questions that need to be answered are:

Who leaked the report?

Why have none of the abusive contractors been found guilty yet?

What, exactly did Paul Young paint for $700,000.00, why hasn't he been charged with anything.

Why hasn't anyone reported Mr. Young's $700,000.00 a year income to the IRS (US Government's Internal Revenue Service)? They offer rewards for turning in miscreants.

Did Mrs. Paul Young's relationship with the Premier result in any favouritism?

Maybe after the dust has settled and the crooks involved in the BHC scandal are locked up at Westgate; it will be time for the appointment of a commission of inquiry into the upcoming Berkeley Scandal? If the new Berkeley opens on time Alex Scott will probably have Harry Potter cut the ribbon - it'll take a wizard to pull Alex's iron out of the Berkeley fire, ire!

